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ECVET - mobilumo pasiekimų sparčios integracijos įrankis į mokymo sistemą, visiems įvairiais būdais (formaliojo, neformaliojo ir savaiminio mokymosi) besimokantiesiems asmenims
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project targets directors of educational centre, professional teachers, learners engaged in vocational training seeking professional qualification in areas such as construction, catering (chefs, waiters/ess, bar tenders), rural tourism, trading company manager assistance, automotive repairs. All participants are from the Kelme Vocational Training Centre. Direct goals: 1. Create opportunities for 8 pupils gaining buider‘s profession, 15 pupils from catering area, 2 rural tourism, 5 trading company manager assistants, 5 machinery maintenance, 5 automotive repairs to participate in 5 week mobility traineeship in Austrian, Polish, German, Turkish enterprises. The abilities and achievements of participants will be assessed and recognised by sending institution; 2. Create opportunities for 4 school masters and 12 teachers from vocational school to obtain training during 6 day mobility traineeship in Austrian, Polish, German, Turkish enterprises. The main goal is to introduce to ECVET, its role, and facilitate international learners‘ mobility. In addition, it would allow personal acquaintance with the practise of foreign enterprises, labour requirements and regulations, learn more about the means to stimulate international mobility and, ultimately, successfully incorporate new knowledge into the qualification system; 3. The plans to raise qualifications during vocational learning abroad, according to the formal curricula set for professions mentioned above, are already generated. In addition to these plans, school has prepared lists, descriptions of qualifications and evaluation rules within 10 unit grading systems. We strive to upgrade all documents to the extent it is possible to employ ECVET as the tool to integrate mobility into the learning system and adapt by all parties engaged in vocational education; 4. We aim to establish ECVET as a beneficial tool enabling to introduce internal quality-focused mechanisms and capable to guarantee the transfer and recognition of grades by the sending education institution; 5. Foster language, professional, social and personal skills, necessary for all learners, who will seek to find their place in the labour marker in future and will be obliged to make independent decisions. 6. Foster language, professional, social skills, creativity of the employees from the educational institution, to build their capacity in order to prepare young professional for the European labour market. 7. Foster broad, creative and critical thinking as well as positive attitude towards continuous personal and professional development; 8. Assist in mastering new technologies, ideas, methodology and in their application to their professional field, create new products and services; 9. Introduce trainees to new ideas, innovative solutions through work in enterprises, help to better understand labour requirements; 10. Generate theoretical package, organise 10-hour training on the topic „ECVET benefits for the educational institution and the participant of mobility traineeship“. 11. Present traineeships´s results in the school and for wider public. The duration of the project – 5 weeks in Austria, Germany, Poland, Turkey Pupils will gain practical knowledge through engagement in the work in enterprises, chosen according to their professions. Furthermore, they will attend discussions encouraging participants to discover more information concerning their professions, take part in guided tours to the enterprises, one vocational school, accumulate learning materials useful for the preparation of final products. A great attention will be paid to the pupil‘s cultural and linguistic training before their departure: introduction to the recipient country‘s culture, customs and traditions, attitude towards business expansion as well as creative ways to introduce to Lithuanian culture and its heritage. The school masters and teachers will have an opportunity to familiarise themselves with European vocational teaching credit system, its tools and methodology, how system supports the mobility of European citizens and facilitates the process of long life learning. All participants will improve their general and professional knowledge, language skills and competencies which enable the development of versatile personality: broadens the scope of action, helps to better comprehend international environment. Final Results: 1. The day to evaluate achievements attained with „Learning mobility through ECVET“. 2. Finalisation of the theoretical package and organisation of 10 hour training for teachers in the school with the focus on „The benefit of ECVET to the education institution and the participant of the mobility traineeship“. 3. Teachers, masters and pupil‘s traineeship presentation in the CD format. 4. Finalised documents presenting main pupils and teachers traineeships‘ achievements. 5. The final evaluation of achievements.

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