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ECVET in Agriculture
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background of project In this project, a group of 5 vocational agricultural schools cooperate. The partners would now like to lift their cooperation to a higher and more sustainable level. The agricultural sector needs many skilled students graduate from vocational colleges to fill the many vacancies at the labor market in the subsectors for crop production and animal production. (Aequor, 2011) The partnerschools therefore aim to prepare their students extra well for their future jobs in the sector and to make their vocational qualifications more attractive for vocational students. The partners will prepare students by offering them modules that are built around new innovative subjects in agriculture. Objectives of your project & description of activities: The objective of the project is to address the following needs: - An analysis of the labour market shows that there is a severe lack of vocationally trained personnel in the agricultural sector. Mainly in the fields of animal production and crop production (Aequor, 2011) This project aims to make the learning routes in these fields of study for vocational students more attractive, flexible and relevant; - Through the development of innovative modules, students will be better prepared for their future jobs in the fields of agriculture and horticulture; - Through the development of modules based on the core subjects from the existing curricula, the schools will be able to offer students more flexible learning paths including educational periods at international partnerschools; - The exchange of students on international learning modules gives the partners involved in the project the opportunity to develop their centres into more internationalle oriented institutions, thus enriching the educational experience for their own students and staff; - Through using ECVET principles in this project, the participating partners are better prepared to exchange their students with other institutes in the future (experience with ECVET). - The companies from the agricultural and horticultural sectors will be able to tell the vocational institutes what they deem important subjects that should be a part of the vocational curricula. These companies are be actively approached during the project to ask them for input on which subjects are relevant for their sectors. During the project, the partners develop the following outputs: 1) An overview of national qualifications agriculture and horticulture, linked to the EQF-levels; 2) A document describing the overlapping subjects in the partner's curricula in fields of agriculture and horticulture; 3) a) Module descriptions (ca. 6) of overlapping subjects from the national curricula & module descriptions (ca. 6) of innovative themes missing from the national curricula; 3) b) (10-12) Educational modules based on these module description for international learning; 3) c) Worked out standards and procedures needed to establish ECVET recognition and validation; 4) A list of quality criteria for the project outputs; 5) (ECVET) Agreement for the recognition and validation of the international learning modules; 6) A student mobility application; 7) A Dissemination plan. Teaching/training activities: - A teacher training:how to deliver the new educational modules to international groups; - A pilot exchange for groups of international students taking part in international modules at partner institutes; - Sustainable exchange of students Number and profile of participants; During the project period, the project will involve: 90 vocational agricultural students interested or specialized in the field of agriculture 10 teachers and staff members from the partnerschools Many more students and staff members after the project period Methodology to be used in carrying out the project; The partners will mete every 3-5 months to work on project activities and outputs. in between meetings, the partners will develop materials that will be discussed during the meetings. The coordinator contacts each partner monthly to discuss progress. Description of the results and impact envisaged and finally the potential longer term benefits: This project aims to bring European studies in agriculture to a higher level. The vocational courses are the starting points from where the global issues of food supply can be solved. At vocational level future farmes will learn more effective and efficient ways to produce animals and crops. Strengthening the vocational courses enables Europe to reach their goal of strengthening the knowledge economy and exporting this knowledge to other parts of the world. With this project, the partners aim to establish a sustainable system to exchange vocational students for learning activities (international learning modules) in their fields of study. The partners strengthen their vocational curricula and will be able to attract more international students from Europe and beyond for international vocational education.
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5 Partners Participants