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ECVET for work-based learning
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Every year across Europe hundreds of thousands of individuals take part in several work-based learning activities in order to acquire and/or update their knowledge, skills and competences. However, in practice the visibility and transferability of the learning outcomes obtained in such activities remains quite problematic due to the fact that learning that takes place at the workplace, does not result in credits that can be accumulated or transferred to other learning contexts.As a result, learning outcomes (i.e. knowledge, skills and competences) obtained within the apprenticeship and other forms of work-based learning, are often not recognized for further studies in the formal VET system (e.g. HE VET) neither within nor outside the national boarders. The lack of permeability and transferability between the several forms of work-based learning at national and European level, results in hundreds of thousands of productivity hours being lost when individuals decide to move from the one learning context to the other (i.e. from non-formal to formal), and constitutes a major motivational barrier in work-based learning for hundreds of thousands of students and unemployed people who wish to achieve a formal qualification either for securing a job or moving up the professional ladder.In ECWORK project, we want to develop a bottom-up approach for credit transfer of learning outcomes acquired through transnational work-based learning mobility. The project will be implemented in electromechanics field, involving qualifications at EQF levels 4/5, across Southern European countries using ECVET methodology. The general objective of the project is to facilitate validation, recognition and transfer of learning outcomes in electromechanics sector, acquired through transnational work-based learning using ECVET methodology. The specific objectives of the project are: • To map European qualifications on electromechanics of countries of South Europe and identify transferable units of learning outcomes for transnational mobility of students• To develop a teachers’ guide for organisation of transnational work-based learning mobility• To develop an employers’ guide for designing work-based learning in companies• To develop a toolkit for students, to facilitate and support them in transnational mobility and work-based learning. • To organise a learning activity for VET organisations on ECVET methodology• To pilot test the work-based learning modules and the credit transfer methodology, through limited mobilities.Following the above prerequisites, a high impact partnership has been formed, comprising of a total of 6 partners from 5 Member States (Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Portugal), representing VET schools and VET centres offering electromechanics at different EQF levels and an organisation expert in ECVET:• ESS, FORAVE: VET schools• IEK DELTA, Intercollege: VET colleges – EQF level 5• FFE: VET school and VET centre• IDEC: expert in ECVETThe immediate results to be achieved during project implementation:1. Common Study – identification of national qualifications on electromechanics at levels 4/5 of EQF. Language: EN.2. Training of ten (10) VET trainers on ECVET methodology and application in work-based learning. Language: EN.3. Teachers guide for immediate use by the VET trainers in the consortium countries and across Europe. Language: EN, EL, HR, ES, PT.4. Employers guide for immediate use by the employers providing work-based learning in the consortium countries and across Europe. Language: EN, EL, HR, ES, PT.5. Students toolkit for supporting students in organising their work-placement abroad. Language: EN, EL, HR, ES, PT.6. Mobility of ten (10) VET students in 5 EU countries, for work-placements. The mobilities will serve as pilot testing for the implementation of the guides.7. Report on ECVET implementation – recommendations based on the results from the pilots, the policy recommendations and the recommendations for VET schools / employers. Language: EN, EL, HR, ES, PT.8. Project's leaflet (electronic/downladable copy) & project web presence incorporated within the partner's websites - withdownloadable copies of all key project outputs in the identified languages9. Five (5) National Project/Stakeholder Multiplier Events for presenting the project and its main activities to the nationalstakeholders and target groups10. Participation and Project/Results presentation in one Key European Event (e.g. EfVET, EUproVET etc).Dissemination of project and results is a critical aspect of this project and has been given significant attention & equal priority with all other implementation activities. Special attention will be paid in linking the project with national ECVET activities for maximum penetration such as National Team of ECVET Experts being run by the National Agencies in the consortium countries, as well as utilizing existing links with prominent government VET policy institutions.
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5 Partners Participants