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ECVET for Creative Industries
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

RATIONALEThe main priority for the ECVET for the Creative Industries (EfCI) project is the development of qualifications and curricula for the Creative Industries sector, in particular focusing on developing and integrating an ECVET approach for an existing qualification – the Level 3 Award in Entrepreneurship for the Creative Industries, accredited by Learning Resource Network. AIMS AND OBJECTIVESThe primary aims of the EfCI project are: (1) To use an ECVET approach to adapt the Level 3 Award in Community Entrepreneurship for the Creative Industries qualification to enable it to be delivered and recognised in a wider range of European Countries; (2) To enhance the existing qualification by developing and integrating additional units for ‘Creative Industries in Europe (relating to each of the partner countries); and (3) To establish full ECVET functionality for credit transfer for the course to facilitate learner and labour market mobility.TARGET GROUPSThe primary target groups for the project are: - VET institutions active in the Creative Industries sector, especially those that are interested in developing specific VET provision related to entrepreneurialism and enterprise start up and/or supporting the internationalisation of their VET provision of the sector.- VET learners interested in pursuing a career in the Creative Industries sector, whom we expect will primarily be young people aged 19-24 facing economic and educational obstacles towards achieving labour market integration within their chosen field- EU VET Support and the corresponding National, Regional and Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks in the participating Member StatesPROJECT ACTIVITIESThe project partnership comprises VET institutions based in Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK and project activities incorporate a range of measures to support the development of VET training provision within the Creative Industries at national and European levels. The partners in the UK and Ireland – Capacity London and Capacity Ireland – are already accredited with Learning Resource Network to deliver the qualification but the project will support the other partners – MateraHub, Studio Inneo and 3Si – to gain accreditation to deliver the qualification and this will result in the qualification being available in Italy, Poland and Spain for the first time.The EfCI project partnership will work with Learning Resource Network to ‘internationalise’ the qualification by creating a new ‘Creative Industries in Europe units that can be added to the existing qualification. These units will incorporate European level perspectives and focus on current status and ongoing development of the Creative Industries within the participating Member States, identifying key current sectors and areas for future growth, as well as reviewing the tradition and historical development of the sector in each country. These units will also review and analyse key regulatory, legal and economic issues related to the Creative Industries, entrepreneurship and enterprise start up in the respective partner countries.METHODOLOGYThe project will incorporate a comprehensive ECVET approach, based on adapted the units, learning aims and assessment criteria that comprise the qualification for use in the partner countries. The project partners will engage with EU VET Support and the corresponding National, Regional and Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks in the participating Member States (to the extent where they are already in place at national level) to facilitate recognition of the qualification in the partner countries and thus support work towards full credit transferability.IMPACTThe EfCI project will support 50 learners to engage in studying a Level 3 course for the Creative Industries sector and a minimum of 45 learners will achieve their target qualification and we anticipate that a minimum of 30 will progress into sustainable employment. Tutors taking part in joint staff training events will also benefit through access to peer learning activities that will enable them to develop new, European perspectives for the Creative Industries sector and integrate these within both the courses they teach and their own professional development. Finally, the project partners will also reflect upon the process of adapting the qualification for use in other EU countries and the integration of an ECVET approach to produce a guide for further adaptation that will support wider use of the Level 3 Award in Entrepreneurship for the Creative Industries by external organisations – including in other EU countries – beyond the lifetime of the Erasmus+ funding.
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4 Partners Participants