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ECVAET 3 - Die europäische Meisterausbildung in der Veranstaltungstechnik
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

When looking at the profession of event technology (ET) in Europe the forms of training are inconsistent and forms of mutual recognition barely exist. It appears that more and more qualified ET specialists are required by the labour market. ET specialists are people who often find themselves working in an international environment. Guest performances, tours, major events involving several countries, require a huge variety of specifically trained specialists in the field of ET. By creating transparency in the field of relevant training this would provide a basis for facilitating inter-state recognition of those working in this field as well as supporting the international exchange of these experts. Security and safety related issues are a central, essential and important aspect of education in ET. Thus, it is important to consider standards and norms at international and national levels. Safety and security for visitors, participants, skilled workers and contributors is essential at each event, and especially at major events. For the requirements for a standardized and recognized training in ET, the project ECVAET 3 contributes for discussion and implementation in the partner countries. The first condition for the start of an EU-wide mutual recognition of qualifications is the creation of transparency in the field of training and education. One aim in ECVAET 3 is, to identify the requirement for a master craftsman training for the ET for the German-speaking area in Europe, present it in a competency matrix and map it with safety aspects in a security matrix, which are designed according to the VQTS principle. Subsequently the design of modules towards an European master craftsman training should initiate the discussion and the processes for implementing one single European master craftsman training. The project relies on the results of the previous projects (ECVAET and ECVAET 2) using the created products and outputs. The partner organisations involved in the project are research and educational institutions from Austria (AT), Germany (DE), and Liechtenstein (LI, is connected to the Swiss vocational education system), who are actively involved in the creation and development of training offers for vocational training in the ET branche or who work in the related field of research, and who have been part of the former consortia. While the focus in ECVAET and ECVAET2 was on ET competencies and skills from the basic training in the German speaking countries, the current project ECVAET 3 focus on competencies and skills for master craftsman training in ET. In a first step, the investigation of vocational education and training in ET in the partner countries leads to an analysis of the current status quo and will be presented in a study. Based on this, the present matrices "Competence Matrix" and "Safety Matrix" in event technology will be developed in terms of the required competencies and skills to a European master craftsman training. In a final step modules are designed to form a profile for an European master craftsman training, including aspects like regulations and laws, technical standards and norms and intercultural competencies. For all results the involvement of stakeholders in industry and education are foreseen, especially as subject to a process of consolidation. The master craftsman training in the various technical professions and trades represents vocational education at its highest qualification level, but is recognised internationally at different levels. Main requirements for the master craftsman training are topics like management qualification, organizational and management tasks, combining vocational training and higher education training, which is a further research element in this project, particularly concerning the management competencies required for the master craftsman qualification. So a sub-task of the project is to evaluate how to realise a dual vocational education and training on the interface of vocational education and higher education, based on the current example in ET. The project represents an additional contribution to the development of a European area of skills and qualifications towards more transparency in vocational education. It directly addresses the objectives of the European Agenda 2020 for creating a consistent area for educational and labour. The project contributes to the recognition and validation of competences and qualifications, building on proven processes and systems (ECVET, EQF, VQTS). In addition, it acts at the following levels: - Growing demand for highly skilled jobs - A global competition for talent: Internationalization of education - Offer extraordinary expansion of learning and use of potentials of ICT - Complementarity between formal, informal and non-formal learning - Need to unite education to industrial / vocational needs
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4 Partners Participants