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ECQA Valorisation Expert Training and Certification

All projects need to valorise their results for maximising achievements and increasing sustainability after their lifetime. This includes transfer of results and best practices to different and broader contexts; potential tailoring to the needs of others; continuation after the funding period has finished; influences on policy and practice; serving the public good. The emphasis is on optimising the value of a project and on boosting its impact.Many European and other projects seem to be missing a good valorisation strategy. Projects seem to be carried out in isolation and to finish without essential impact. In addition there is a lack of skills for carrying out valorisation actions. The project's objectives are to:• develop an online accredited programme of study for the job role of a Valorisation Expert;• pilot the programme in participating organisations/member states of the project partners; • refine the programme based on systematic feedback; • disseminate project results via a range of channels, including a major European conference; • ensure the self-valorisation and sustainability of the project and its outputs through the ECQA and other bodies.The content of the valorisation qualification includes:• importance of valorisation for raising awareness (social competencies);• study and development of robust dissemination models and policies, strategies, processes, as well as follow-up mechanisms for successful valorisation of results, including identification of barriers to valorisation (managerial competencies);• measurements of quality and effectiveness of valorisation activities (administrative competencies); • assessment of the impact of results and valorisation actions (administrative competencies);• promotion and dissemination of project results using innovative web-based electronic means, including digital media (Internet marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing) (technical competencies). A set of skills required to analyse, define and implement potential valorisation strategies will be developed. Based on these skills the following will be developed/implemented within the project:• TRAINING MATERIAL - modular: Units/Elements/Performance Criteria; supported by exercises, aimed for usage by Vocational and Educational Training (VET) and/or distant learning;• POOL OF EXAM QUESTIONS - unified, supported by ECQA electronic exam system;• LEARNING PORTAL - providing training material and exercises;• TRIALS of training materials and the training system will be performed for 100 participants;• TRAIN THE TRAINERS (2 trainers per partner will be trained and certified for trainings after the end of project);• INTEGRATION OF the TRAINING SCHEMA INTO the ECQA SCHEMA; • CERTIFICATION.

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6 Partners Participants