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Ecoturismo en salinas del Atlántico: una estrategia de desarrollo integral y sostenible (ECOSALALTANTIS)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the ECOSAL ATLANTIS project, "Ecotourism in saltworks of the Atlantic: a strategy for integral and sustainable development" is the development of joint, integral and sustainable tourism based on the cultural and natural heritage of traditional Atlantic saltworking sites. The project focuses on three key activities designed to develop tourism in Atlantic saltworking sites: Heritage, Territorial development, Biodiversity and Nature tourism. These activities respond to the 4 specific objectives of the project: 1.- To establish guidelines for the management of the natural and cultural heritage of saltworking sites on the basis of a common heritage database. 2.- To evaluate, enhance the value of and promote the traditional Atlantic saltworking sites by means of a network of players implementing joint actions. 3.- To maintain or restore the habitats typical of saltworking sites in the framework of nature tourism. 4.- To promote the conservation and understanding of Atlantic saltworking sites by circulating information and creating transnational synergies. Achievements: The ECOSAL ATLANTIS project "Ecotourism in the Atlantic saltpans: a strategy for integral and sustainable development" was created with the aim of cooperatively attaining integral and sustainable tourism development, based on the natural and cultural heritage of the Atlantic saltworks. After three and a half years of the project which is drawing to a close, we obtained many concrete results:• The Web portal that brings together inventory information of the geographic data and the cultural heritage of the saltpans of the Atlantic• Evaluation of the biodiversity of the Atlantic saltworks based on a methodology devised jointly, that associates scientific bibliography, space and areal remote sensing and field work• The establishment of guidelines for the development of eco-tourism and to propose appropriate means for observing nature in saltproducing sites• Book on the saltproducing sites of the Atlantic regions• Creation of the Route “Traditional Saltmaking: the Atlantic Route” to which numerous organizations, who were not originally part of theproject, have now joined from Spain, France, Portugal and the United Kingdom• Knowledge and appreciation, by the public and the people responsible, of the Atlantic saltproducing heritage, both in the present and in the futureMore information is available under:
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  • 650.1%   1 988 820,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants