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eContent Lab for psychosocial risks at work prevention. VISIONARY project transference

Psychosocial risks such as violence and bullying can lead to stress at work.Stress affects the health and safety of individuals, but also the health of organisations and national economies.Reducing work-related stress and psychosocial risks is not only a moral, but also legal imperative. There’s a strong business case as well. In 2008, the annual economic cost of work-related stress in the EU-25 was estimated at 20 billion Euros. The Community strategy on health and safety at work 2007-2012 (COM(2007) 62 final) explicitly highlights psychosocial issues as important factors in the workplace and calls for the development of a more preventive culture with priority given to mental health in the workplace. The strategy calls for an assessment to be made of the European framework agreement and a recent conference on ‘Tackling work-related stress in the EU’ (July 2009) took stock of the experience and lessons learned from implementing the European social partners' autonomous framework agreement on work-related stress agreed in 2004.In other hand the Report on work plan Violence and Harassment a European picture (European Commission, 2010) concluded that (among others) two main activities were developed:- Implement more preventive initiatives for avoiding the psychosocial risk at work;- Improve the access to the best practices and other resources addressed to prevent the violence at work (bullying. Moving) and stress situation that can cause any psycosocial risk at work.Considering the above reasons, PreventionLab2.0 project aimed to transfer the VISIONARY project with the following objectives:- To agree a common approach about the psychosocial risks at work, their causes and their consequences;- To identify different resources developed European level to prevent the psychosocial risk at work;- To define a curricula on psychosocial risk prevention;- To elaborate some training pathways based on the resources identified;- To develop a collaborative and participative learning environment based on web 2.0. In order to answer the actual challenges about phychosocial risk at work, and considering the methodological proposal of the VISIONARY project, the PreventionLab2.0 elaborated a learning platform for improving the training offer addressed to prevent the psychosocial risk at work.The partnership was formed by 5 different entities coming from different areas, ensuring quality in the project implementation: two institutions with a broad experience on the subject tackle by the project (ASIMAG and PREVENT), a technological partner (INFOART) who developed the learning platform, a university (ZEPF) that works in the methodological development for preventing any unhealth phycosocial situation, and finally a public institution that support the decission makers throuh the social research activities.
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4 Partners Participants