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Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Jan 15, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project „Economics Do Not Bite“ organized by Lithuania‘s association „Unique projects“ – it is an international project which aims to encourage young people‘s interest and understanding about economical issues. As we have noticed that absence of economical knowledge can be one of emigration‘s reasons and can discourage young people while making important decisions in their lifes. The main aim of this Project is to give young people theorical and practical knowledge about economics as we hope it is going to help young people understand economical situation nowadays in their own countries as well as in foreign countries, to properly evaluate economical changes and accept right decisions in private and civic life. Preliminary date of the Project – the end of November 2014. Projects participants are going to be 20 proactive, curious, motivated, wanting to young people, who want to het new knowledge. They are going to be aged from 18 to 25 years. Main condition: they should not study disciplines, having something in common with economics. Participants are going to be from 4 European countries: Lithuania, Bulgaria, Chech Republic and Italy. Five participants and one leader from every country. Participants are going to be selected by their motyivation and wish to participate in the project, which are going to be evaluated by their motivational letters and short movies. During the time of the project participant will have chance to improve, get some new knowledge by various non-formal instruments: 1. Firstly, participants of the projects are going to be involved in various activities where they are going to get to know to each other very fast. Activities are going to be team formation and various games. These activities are very important because they help participant to feel better and safer during the project, encourage to involve into activities and create the better result. 2. We want to give some basic theorical knowledge about economics, so we are going to include few lectures where lecturers will give basic information about economical indicators and other important facts, which are essential for completely understanding economical situation. Also, participants will get a lot of knowledge while communicating with each other, participating in discussions and preparing their „homeworks“. These activities will help to understand economical differences between countries and to evaluate their real economical situation. 3. We are seeking to train critical thinking of participants, we want them to manage to evaluate and interpret information from objective perspective. For this reason, participant will get tasks to evaluate economical articles, interviews or speeches criticaly and to have a discussion about that. 4. As we want participants not only to hear information but to understand it as well and manage to use it in real life, they will participate in various games, do case analysis, where situation is going to be comparable to partner‘s or organizator‘s countrie‘s economical situation. 5. For the reason participant understood advantages/disadvantages of Ruto, every participating country will present their economical system with Euro or without it (as not all participating countries have adopted Euro). Countries, which have Euro, will give data, how their economical situation has changed (prices, inflation, unemployment) after adopting Euro. Then countries which do not have Euro will have to evaluate situation and give their opinion – does their country need to adopt Euro or not. 6. What is the most important – for suitable evaluation of this project, discussion and publication of the results will take place. In case this problem would be solved more broadly, participants will think of various, more global ways to do that. Project‘s results: Participant will get new theoretical and practical knowledge in economic‘s sphere. They will improve their critical thinking, public speaking and team-working skills. They will broaden their thinking and eyeshot, will get known to new cultures, will get better understanding, will learn how to choose correct information, how to properly evaluate situation and information and this will help them to make correct decisions having something in common with economics in their lifes. Our organisation and project‘s partners will get more experience in youth exchanges and organizing of projects, will implement their aims to educate youth and encourage youth‘s activities. They will get to known to new non-formal learning and teaching methods, which they will be able to adapt in later activities. We hope that this project results about the importance of economical knowledge is going to spread widely and, together with better knowledge in economics of participants will help people to take political - economical desicions within the country more rationally, will encourage citizenship and will help to understand changes, like integration of euro, significance.
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3 Partners Participants