Search for European Projects

Economic Value of Cultural Heritage
Start date: May 1, 2010,

The main idea of the project is the creation of a European Network and Observatory for the study and promotion of the Economic Value of the European Cultural Heritage. At present there is not common ground regarding the role of European Cultural Heritage in economic terms. There are some interesting initiatives, but in general, each region and country have there own approach to the maintenance and diffusion of its Cultural Heritage. The main objective of this European Network and Observatory is to create a European wide body of study, analysis and dissemination of the Economic Value of Cultural Heritage, as well as a common place for sharing a high quality knowledge and experience, with the added value of exchanging expertise and different approaches and stimulating cooperation within Europe. The activities included are: - Knowledge and European level debate generation and good practice Exchange activities mainly referring to the organisation of 6 seminars in 6 European Countries where international experts with different experiences in terms of economic valuation of Cultural Heritage can discuss and analyse different approaches and good practices to create and interactive debate aimed to produce common guidance at European-wide level.- Dissemination and Communication Activities aimed at raising the profile of the project, and also attracting participation from other cultural operators form different countries. These activities range from the design and production of publicity material to the design and development of a web page as means of a collaborative working environment as well as a dissemination instrument. It will also include the production of regular newsletter (four-monthly) to be distributed together with other material to update it, particularly material to be presented at other international events relevant to Cultural Heritage.

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