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Economic and environnemental Valorization of underground cavities and troglodytes (Cavesnetwork)
Start date: Sep 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Whether naturally formed or man-made, underground caves are an important cultural and economic resource for localities and regions across Europe. Tourism and other economic activities – such as wine production and farming in troglodytic caves – draw in revenue for many otherwise underdeveloped regions. However, caves can also present significant public safety risks due to unstable structures. Consequently regional and local authorities must combine public safety with economic development needs. The comprehensive approaches to risk assessment that this requires involve complex geological considerations as well as knowledge of the economic potential of caves. The objective of Cavesnetwork is to share experience of cave management between regional and local authorities in order to develop a comprehensive approach to ensuring cave safety. The project aims to achieve successful management of risks while maximising the economic benefits from cave activities and safeguarding cultural heritage. Achievements: Achievements so far Started in october 2005 and closed in december 2007, Cavesnetwork aimed at improving the efficiency of local and regional policies in the field of caves through transnational exchanges and know-how experiences, by increasing the level of safety of caves, their touristic, economic and cultural potential. The project gathered 6 partners from 5 different european countries: France, Italy, Spain, Hungary and Greece. Main activities were the organization of thematic seminars where experts and profesionnels exchanged know how and experiences . The dissemination of the results were supported by several communication tools: a web site, a DVD and a best practices guide . During the project, the partners and their experts worked on four topics:'training and formation', 'risks and safety', 'lawful and legal issues' and 'valorization'. Four thematic seminars were organized: from hungary in may 2006 to Italy in july 2007, the partners travelled in Europe to improve their knowledge in caves issues. The first and main statement they made is that, even if the territories have not the same cultural and historical caracteristics, they have to face to the same problem: how to make the cave heritage an asset for the territories? During these periods of surveys, the experts colllected datas: innovant techniques of rehabilitation, educationnal programms in caves issues, legal measurements, etc. The results of the work carried out by the 6 partners during the project is presented in a DVD ' Acting together for the future of underground caves': the aim of it is to make the general public aware of the current issues facing the areas under their care with respect to protecting and enhancing the troglodyte heritage. This DVD is an essential comunication tool for supporting future projects A best practice guide has been also edited by the greek partner: experts contibuted on it by presented the best practices their identified on their area. Finally, two open days were organized in Saumur in september 2007: partners, experts and public exchanged around five 'round tables'. This event was successfully and showned the increased interest for the caves heritage.

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  • 49.7%   422 811,74
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants