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ECONET- Economical Development Network for Underdeveloped Cross Boarder Area (HUSKROUA/1001/052)
Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is amed at support SME’s development by creating 4 Rural Entrepreneurship Development Centers (REDC); Increasing the level of entrepreneur professionalism from target areas by providing specialised trainings; sustaining diversification and development of SME’s activities from target areas by providing advisory services; Increasing cross-border business cooperation by organising trade meetings between entrepreneurs from the two countries; developing sustainable business cooperation in the cross-border region by developing a business development support network (ECONET). Main activities: Activity 1: Organisational meetings. Activity 2 : Institutional Component (2.1 Rural Entrepreneurship Development Centers (REDC), 2.2 ECONET)Activity 3. Educational Component (3.1 National educational activities, 3.2 International educational activities), Activity 4. Local Business Development Strategies, Activity 5. Business Services provide by REDC (5.1 Individual counselling sessions, 5.2 Trading Meetings, 5.3 Loans facilitations), Activity 6. Media and visibility component, Activity 7. Project management component. Achievements: Institutional component: 4 Rural Entrepreneurship Development Centers (REDC) – 2 in Romania and 2 in Ukraine, a business promoting network ECONET, 5 Local Business Development Strategies. Educational activities: National trainings: 6 trainings (3 in Romania and 3 in Ukraine, International trainings: 6 trainings (3 in Romania and 3 in Ukraine). Business activities: 500 individual counselling session, 4 trade meetings ( 2 in Romania and 2 in Ukraine),50 loans facilitations activities. Promoting materials and activities: 1 press conference, 40 Media ads (20 in Romania and 20 in Ukraine), 20.000 flyers (10.000 in Romania and 10.000 in Ukraine), 2000 pens, 200 notebooks, 200 calendars, 1 website.
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  • 90%   294 507,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants