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Ecological, what else? Sustainable schools on the fast lane in Europe!
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Ecological, what else? Sustainable schools on the fast lane in Europe" is the titel of a two year multilatereal schoolpartnership between Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Turkey. Based on the ENSI - program we start the development of a sustainable school living space. With pupils from the six partner countries being at the focus of the project, teachers will help to develop concrete measures to transform each partner school into an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable place for all participants. The mutual goal is the implementation of these measures by all partner schools with the possible option of finally being a certified „ÖKOLOG-School“. This multilateral school partnership enables us to analyse the different attitudes and implementations with regard to protecting the environment in the participating countries and to develop towards a sustainable society. Which standards are there with respect to environmental protection and sustainability in South-, Central- and Eastern Europe? How much water and energy do the individual schools consume? How can pupils and teachers save these resources? How can waste be separated or rather avoided completely? Which offers are there with regard to ecologically sustainable meals and sports in the partner schools? How can this be improved? Which ideas can be taken over from the partner countries and how can we put them to good use? There will not only be theoretical considerations on how to change the living space “school”, but these measures should be realised and evaluated. One major goal of the project is to present visible results of an ecological and sustainable change of the living space school, which can be experienced by all stake holders. Learning by doing will be predominant as the interaction and communication between pupils and teachers from 6 different countries of the EU. We do not only want to deal with „sustainability“ as a topic, but sustainability is an important aspect of our cooperation and the intended results of the partnership. The cooperation, founded in previous projects, can be reused for this new project. The know-how in the fields of ICT and ecology can be passed on the new partners. The EU and European cooperation will be visible and alive – a very valuable asset when working with pupils from 6 different countries. Young people especially need and demand concrete possibilities to take action, concrete results and concrete experiences to understand the slogan “We work for a sustainable Europe ”. All topics will be dealt with in pupil orientated workshops, designed and held by the pupils themselves thus fostering their creativity and their self-esteem. “The individual matters – your opinion is important to us” – this is the motto of the workshops, regardless whether it is a workshop covering ecology, cooking, sports or the designing of a website, an e-diary or a questionnaire for project evaluation. The own activity and entrepreneural competence of pupils should be supported in order to improve their chances for a future career. In order to achieve these goals there will be workshops which are focused on the pupils, enabling them to contribute ideas and put them to good use. Fostering their social AND their language competence aims at preparing the pupils as much as possible for their future career.The six partner countries have determined that the pupils will be accommodated by host families of the partner country, thus getting to know the culture of the country and its people better. In addition, they can improve their foreign language skills in English and German. A further important aim of the project is the mobility of many pupils who have never left their home countries before. As many pupils as possible should be given the chance for a mobility, especially those who, owing to financial difficulties, have never had a chance to go abroad. This will have a long lasting positive effect on their European awareness. “We are Europe” will then no longer be just a slogan but will have become reality for many pupils from six different European countries.
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5 Partners Participants