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Ecological Waste Treatment in Sparsely-populated areas (Ecological Waste Treatment)
Start date: May 31, 2002, End date: May 29, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The handling of waste and waste water across the Northern Periphery can be a challenging task due to the large distances and sparse population characteristic of the area. Increased co-operation between the various actors dealing with waste management can help improve the techniques and selection of best treatment methods. The Ecowatsa project will facilitate this process through the development of ecologically and economically practical solutions for waste treatment in northern conditions. This goal will be achieved by the joint creation of a logistic model for waste management. A software tool will be developed that allows municipalities and other bodies to evaluate which waste treatment solutions best meets their needs. For the purpose of model and software development work, various technologies will be tested by developing pilot projects in solid waste and waste water treatment, by improving the international exchange of information and best practice models, as well as by undertaking awareness raising activities. Achievements: A downloadable version of the final logistical model has been developed with the working title Ecologics. This was carried out using the parameters that were previously agreed by all the partners at the beginning of the project. The remainder of the project will concentrate on test-running the software to ensure that it can be fully utilised in waste management decision-making planning.
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  • 57%   414 800,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform

7 Partners Participants