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Ecocitoyenneté 2.0
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 16, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At the MJC of the Region of Elbeuf, which is situated on an industrial area marked by problems of access to culture and a significant part of population living in "sensitive" areas, we have been working for over 10 years on introducing local youth to natural sciences and environmental friendly behavior. Now we wish that young people could have the opportunity to share their knowledge, thoughts, know-how with their foreign counterpart equally sensitive to the sustainable development as well as open-minded on ecological issues prevalent in different parts of the globe. Thus, we’ll organize, from 4th to 15th of August 2014 in the Upper Normandy, a youth exchange between France, Algeria and Romania, called "ECO-CITIZENSHIP 2.0". We’ll gather 26 young people, aged between 13 to 18 years, sensitive to natural sciences and ecology. Through visits, meetings, naturalist activities, workshops, these youngsters will enrich their knowledge and practices. They will share their ideas, experiences in order to develop their critical thinking, enhance their commitment and encourage new local dynamics around Ecology / Environment. And as international cooperation also involves awareness of the culture of one’s neighbor, the focus will be on exploring the Normandy region and the youth will organize cultural evenings reflecting the countries involved (e.g. typical meals, dance demonstrations, video presentations of the inhabited area, etc.). This two weeks exchange will result in the production of a television show called "Ecology Without Borders", broadcasted live in the three represented youth structures’ countries, via the Web. The spotlight will be given to the expression of youngsters, but will also involve local elected representatives to discuss the inclusion of youth initiatives in local environmental policy. Finally, at the end of the stay, an educational video (in DVD format) showing the highlights of the meeting (testimonies of the young people, participatory workshops, extracts of the TV show) will be distributed and presented in schools and youth structures of the 3 countries in order to invite other youngsters to be inspired by this "eco-citizen" experience. Through this project, we expect that participants gain a sufficient background competence in "environment and communication" so as to take on an eco-ambassador role in their home area. This eco-ambassadors status has two aspects: making more sensitive the individuals who feel less concerned by an eco-friendly approach and initiate new actions in favor of man and nature. In the medium term, we expect significant improvements in behavior on residential pools: reduction of visible waste, better use of bins, rational use of resources, tree or vegetable plantations. In the longer term, we’re hoping that these young "budding environmentalists" will become enlightened leaders of the City and contribute to put the sustainable development in the center of political issues in Europe and Africa, in a spirit of solidarity and shared responsability.
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