European Projects
EcoBuilding For Future
EcoBuilding For Future
Start date: Oct 5, 2016,
End date: Mar 4, 2017
Within the frame of the Erasmus + Programme, EcoBuilding for Future is a training course for youth workers or young leaders ofenvironmental associations, technique staff who want to work for sustainable development and environmental care and entitiesworking with European Voluntary Service that want to act in their territory in a sustainable way.This project will gather together 24 people coming from rural areas from Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Spain andPoland, sharing environmental and social values, reducing the waste we generate and encouraging our creative capabilities topropose innovative ideas about how to improve our environment.Being aware of the special difficulties and environmental problems that we face, we want to propose this training course to acquiretheoretical and practical competences about a constructive technique respectful with our environment. This training course will bealso useful to propose innovative solutions to environmental problems which affect us such as the lack of public sanitation systemsin rural areas and pollution from conventional buildings in natural environments, increasing the awareness among population aboutthe importance of taking care of our territory.During eleven days, we will live together in Cártama, a town from the Guadalhorce’s Valley, with the aim of using natural building asa technique to create a dry eco-toilet in a rural hiking path, which does not have a public sanitation system. We also intend that thisbuilding technique and our prototype would be understood as a simple, cheap and environmentally respectful solution to face abasic need, offering also a source of employability opportunities for young people who were affected by young unemployment.To achieve these goals, we will carry out different activities which will start with the creation of a cohesive group and the facilitationof the basic principles of eco-building and who does a dry toilet work, this would be done through dynamic workshops which willpromote the interaction between participants, the creativity and innovation.Afterwards, we will implement the acquired knowledge by building a prototype of dry eco-toilet in the rural path “Los Espartales”,promoting the internalization of knowledge through hands-on cooperative activities. This learning process will be also supported byreflection activities and self-directed learning methods, to promote an aware learning with the aim that every participant would beowner of its learning process, leading it and taking full advantage of it.Through non-formal education, learning by practising and participative-action methodology, we want to achieve the awareness ofyoung people about the danger of pollution, developing key competences that would increase young employability and promotinga self-directed learning, co-responsibility and autonomy of youngsters.The results that we hope to achieve are the environmental awareness of young people through the promotion of innovative toolsand creative techniques that we can apply to improve our territory, using our own resources in a responsible and sustainable way.We want to achieve a real awareness among youngsters, waken up their critic spirit, creating a commitment to protect ourenvironment.The impact that we would like to have is not limited to our group of participants, instead, we would like that this project would makean impact in every partner region, among environmental associations, local authorities and educational entities. For this reason, wewould pay a special attention to offer opportunities for dissemination and exploitation of results of the project, enhancing theknowledge of the Erasmus + Program. To do this, we want to involve local people in the activities of the project, through the visit oflocal students, the participation of volunteers and holding a final public event, when we will present a video created during theproject, which will be also spread after the project, thus promoting the long-term benefits, which are to awake a environmental andcritical awareness among population and to enhance an active, creative and innovative youth, willing to break with the establishedparadigms to take care of our environment.