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ECO-TOURISM: Places and Traditions (ECO-TOURISM)
Start date: Feb 29, 2004, End date: Mar 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation “Ecotourism: Places and Traditions” is aimed at exchanging experiences, developing joint guidelines and pilot activities for improving sustainable tourism in the partner regions These will focus on four main subjects: (1) PLACES, i.e. how to promote "minor" or less visited areas with respect to major places, also by creating and/or revitalising tourist routes; (2) TRADITIONS, i.e. how to preserve and exploit the territory and its unique historical and cultural heritage and traditions, with a view to developing sustainable tourism; (3) TECHNOLOGIES, i.e. how to extend the application of environmentally-friendly technologies in the provision of services to visitors and how to increase access and use of ICT in tourism; (4) PEOPLE, i.e. how to better involve residents and operators in tourism development activities. The partnership wants to improve the strategic formulation as well as the implementation methodology of tourism development policies. Further objectives are, inter alia, to develop a shared vision on the promotion of sustainable tourism, with special focus on activities supported under Objective 1 and 2 of the Structural Funds, and also including projects financed within the framework of the RECITE and Ecos-Ouverture programmes. The partners also want to test a new approach related to tourism development in selected sites of the participating regions through the implementation of pilot projects and stimulate the transfer of knowledge into other regions. The operation will result in a large-scale transfer of knowledge on tourism development policies, practices and experiences, strengthening the capacity of the participating authorities and improving tourism-related policies, including the environmental management of tourist areas. Guidelines will be produced and disseminated, visitor and institutional surveys will be carried out, and five pilot projects will test new approaches in the partner regions.
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  • 54.9%   815 100,37
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants