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ECO-CARPATHIANS- Eco-Business Development in Border Carpathians as Chance for Better Economic Competitiveness
Start date: Nov 19, 2013, End date: Aug 18, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

(a) to promote cross-border cooperation between mountain area, in production and marketing of farm products, of traditional handicrafts and eco-tourism in order to develop a solide eco-economy through consolidation of small busineses; (b) to develop an eco-destination in cross border area (a common eco-tourism brochure will be produced) and to improve the knowledge about eco-tourism at EU standards, best practices transfer, development of thematic trails in all tree areas (in Romania, Ukraine, Moldova); (c) to improve competitiveness across the mountain ecomony, trough innovative start-up businesses, based on eco and gree economy principles (d) to improve the mountain infrastructure through thematic trails in all three areas (Romania, Ukraine, Moldova). Expected Results: A better knowledge of economic potential of mountain areas through research reports; a strategic alternative for sustainable development of mountain area, through a strategy development in a participative approach that will serve as orientation for further development for local authorities from mountain area; a better promotion of mountain area through a professional brand and logo «EcoBucovina», brand promotion plan; improvement of knowledge skills related to eco-business; better promotion of the area.
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  • 89.9%   715 510,25
  • 2007 - 2013 Romania-Ukraine-Moldova ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants