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Eco-action at the Aegean Sea Islands
Start date: Jan 11, 2016, End date: Aug 10, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The"Eco-action at the Aegean Sea Islands"EVS project is based in Greece Islands(Samos,Fourni,Ikaria,Patmos,Arki and Marathi) and involves 4 EVS volunteers form Poland,sending organization FRSP and receiving organization Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation.The volunteers will go in two stages,the duration of each will be 8 months.First couple of volunteers will go in March 2016 and second stage for 2 other volunteers will start on September 2016.Two stages of activities are necessary, because volunteers in each of them will implement differente activities.Each stage is necessary to receive expected impact.Qualities taken into account by Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation in the selection of candidates for the "Eco-action at the Aegean Sea Islands" project are:love of nature and protection of the environment;enthusiasm,motivation to participate in our specific project,appreciation in being useful;enjoy communicating and learning new skills and competences,interest to work in a team,tolerance towards difference.Volunteers coming to Archipelagos need to be open for a learning-by-doing experience. Proposed activities to volunteers:1st stage for 2 volunteers:-To help in monitoring presence of species,mapping coralligene reefs in Aegean Sea -To provide presentations about mammal populations to kids and youths in clubs and schools-To promote environmental awareness campaigns within the local communities-To help in preparing reports by land-based survey-Focusing on the photography of a range of marine and terrestrial biodiversity and landscapes-Collecting information about fisheries in the area -To design leaflets and booklets for lectures and presentations with Mediterranean species information and environmental threats.-Filming and editing underwater videos 2nd stage for 2 volunteers:-To help in creation of effective management plans in order to protect valuable habitats on Aegean islands f.ex by differente types of surveys -To take part in experimental reforestation and preparing meetings with local community-Herbarium work-To help in preparations campaignes about renewable energy sources for the island communities-Creating informational material and participation in related conservation activities with the aim of raising public awareness in the island communities -To prepare actions like:"use the bicycle and local transport not car","Turn on the light only when needed","take a shower not bath"etc-Designing printed material on environmental issues for use in local schools&communities.-To photography wildlife and lanscapes (materials will in schools and in local media)The involvement of EVS volunteer will support the peer to peer education and it will stimulate the youth and also adults to have an active role in the community as multiplyers and active citizenship. The opportunity to live and to work in a different country will develop intercultural skills and competences stimulate an open mind and tolerance attitude on the volunteer stimulating the intercultural dialogue that will help to avoid racisms and prejudices. Theywill have the opportunity to see problems, reality and different way of living also thanks to the interaction with local community. On the other hand the volunteer will be a great contribution in the activities of the association in terms of stimulate participation of the young people, kids and adults taking part to local initiatives and multiplying the knowledge through peer to peer environmental education using media and web, interactive workshops,providing materials (brochures, lefleats, reports). The volunteers by participation in activities aimed at the protection and prevention of environmental damage will arouse respect attitudes for nature and its beauty. The volunteers as well as people who will have contact with them will develop a sense of responsibility and the need for rapid response to environmental problems. Through provided by EVS voluinteers workshops and education local community will be encouraging to active presence in their own environment, they will learn how to live more ecological in their own home, learning the wise use of natural resources and promotion a healthy lifestyle.Those activities will also increase the sense of belonging to local, regional, national environment and community, that we need to be active EU citizens to protect our land.
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