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Échanger pour mieux enseigner
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims to establish long-lasting contacts with companies that fit the profile of our students and could offer them a path to excellence. By opening up the possibility of professional internships with companies located in the UK, we would come closer to meeting this goal.Sending a teacher to this country would allow her to improve her language skills, both daily and technical. Additionally, creating an exchange with educational teams in this country would allow for the implementation of innovative practices whose scope will be beneficial, for both students and language colleagues. Not only would this exchange impact our school, but it would also broaden the city training pool, which would benefit from the experience of the teacher we send. We could also work to develop these exchanges on a larger scale.As for the Midi Pyrénées region, it would find in our students a future workforce, able to reach the level of English mastery necessary to work for various European companies.

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