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Échanger pour innover : une clé pour l'emploi des jeunes adultes
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Share to innovate: a key for young adults’ access to employment” aims to improve the employability of young adults NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) aged 16 and up, who are cared for in non-formal educational institutions of Fondation d’Auteuil. Unemployment has the most severe impact on low skilled or unskilled young adults (up to 48%), and those young adults need several years to enter the labour market. In this context, the specific public of “youth at risk” cared for by the Foundation is particularly vulnerable. Consequently, the Fondation d’Auteuil has put at the centre of its strategy the professional integration of young adults and has tested out various initiatives in line with the European Union priorities. With this new project, 60 employees from the Foundation will be meeting experimented professionals working in the field of NEET professional integration in 9 different countries (UK, Northern Europe and elsewhere). This project mainly targets professionals working to improve youth integration in the labour market, trainers, development officers, and managers. The mobility activities intend to improve our staff skills and help our programs evolve. They will also support our organization’s development strategies and our orientations for the professional integration of our young adults. The participants will discover innovative practices for young adults’ professional integration, in particular remobilization and intermediation-job matching programs. They will also observe different initiatives that support youth business creation. Three training seminars, called workshops, will each bring together 12 participants. Each workshop will give participants an opportunity to learn more about labour market integration theories, as well as a chance to discover and use tools developed by the host partner organization. Site visits of relevant programs will allow them to observe what they have learned in the theoretical part of the workshop. Besides the workshops, up to 24 participants will take part in individual study visits. During these visits, they will learn about the partner organization’s practices: meet program staff, discuss and confront their ideas, experiment solutions and tools. This new knowledge and these best practices will be shared internally in our organization, but also outside the organization with our international partners interested in this subject, whether or not they have taken part in this project. This project will have a direct impact on the local, regional and national job markets by improving young adults access to jobs all across France. It might also have an indirect impact on European and international job markets by encouraging our partners to consider new tools for young adults integration in the labour market.

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