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Echange de jeunes européens sur les usages de l'espace public
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

L'Atelier des Initiatives, a network of 70 young people associations of Loire-Atlantique and structure of young people project support, wishes to invest new horizons, in particular at an international level, persuaded that intercultural meetings are assets for the emancipation and the autonomy fo young people in the whole aspects of their life. To start building a concrete experience in this field, l'Atelier des Initiatives built a partnership with CEMEA Mezzogiorno in Rome. This youth exchange is therefore the first action between these two structures in order to make a futur global partnership to increase exchanges between young people from Rome an Nantes. After a first meetin between these two structures, the theme of public spaces uses by young people has been selected. Indeed, this thematic corresponds to public policies issues present in these two cities. The objectives of this project are: - To built a strenghtened partnership between CEMEA Mezzogiorno and Atelier des Initiatives - To increase international youth projects between Rome and Nantes. - To examine practices and uses of public space in both cities This project is divided into 3 phases: - A preparation upstream in every city with the mobilization of the young people and a preparation for the intercultural meeting - The welcoming of the italian group during one week in september in Nantes. - the project valorization in both cities where the young people but also the professionals will testify of their experience, what they retain, what it emerges from exchanges with other young people but also public bodies in particular on the questions of public place uses. This project is initiated and coordinated by l'Atelier des Initiatives. CEMEA Mezzogiorno are responsable of the italian part (group formation, departure preparation). Both structures build collectively contents and methods and will animate the majority of times during the exchange. CEMEA Mezziogiorno will bring their expertise regarding intercultural exchanges. The whole logistic part supported by l'Atelier des Initiatives. This exchange therefore meet 8 young people from Rome and 8 young people from Nantes and 4 animators during one week in April 2015. The expected results are: - Multiplying the mobilization of youth in Nantes around internation projects - Skills in intercultural exchanges for l'Atelier des Initiatives - The development of international partnerships by l'Atelier des Initiatives The long-term benefits will be the development of youth exchanges between Rome and Nantes and the establishment of a European network of local structures supporting young people projects.
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