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Easy training and travelling
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is in ligne with our wishes to open our school to Europe. We've already initiate this desire in 2013 with a LEONARDO PARTNERSHIP wich aims was to build contacts with partners in Spain, Germany and Poland. Our school is a vocational school, the training and the profesionals formations are very important. However we regretted that the student didn't made comitment enought in languages and profesional clases either then in their trainings. We wanted to open the school to Europe to create a new dinamic adding value to the diplomas and trying to involve more the students in their schooling ; That's the way our first project came true and got on during two years (ends in june 2015). The dinamic created in this Leoanardo is very important and we wished to continue so, as well as perpetuating our relationship with our partners who's got the same state of mind. That's why the necessity of creating a new project even if the first was not finished yet went obvious This new project has tree points cohérents and complementary: the first is about sendding students to do their training in Spain to valorate their diploma Baccalauréat (Commerce, Selling, and Reception to clients) The second point is about increasing selling teacher's information and implication in the project. The third is about the rallying of the industrial sector of the school to prepare young mobilities training in Germany. Moreover, the mobilities will create new opportunities for new ideas and new project that will increase the European dynamique. We have a lot of aims in this project, the first is that we wish to continue our european adventure and perpetuate our relationship with Germans and Spanish. Furthermore we wish to collaborate more with the academics parteneres. That’s the reason why we are participating to a « Consortium » in the Reim’s educational Academy where seven schools of the academy are involved. Furthermore, we want to make real the possibility of pasing the facultative option "mobility" in the baccalaureat to valorate the baccalaureat diploma and make it more attractive to the jobmarket. All the more in comerce, selling and reception to clients where the foreign languages are so important and brings a real advantage to the person that controls them. On the other hand, we want to encourage the access in superior schools like BTS for our students that for the most of them are not abble to project themselves in a future. So many times we notice that our students doesn't have enough support to build their life positively. One of the project's aim is to developpe tools too help young to carry on their life to be actors of their own life and take place in the construction of our nation and also Europe. The project's impact is first intern in school, to valorate the diploma and also to motivate the teachers that work in hard conditions et keep going in the dynamic in their classes and also in the relationship between them concerning teaching and getting on a relation. Also the Erasmus+ will permit to the young to improve his relation with the adults they don't trust most of time and give them oportunities to build new relationship based on trusting and improve their chances in the laboral market In the long term, the advantages are evidents : the more the students have being prepared to thier future the more they get a armonius life in the profesional life and in their personal life also. For the school, we want to continue in the dynamic and we are thinking about doing a consortium in the academic level between different schools. However the most important is to take the opportunity given by this first experience and to keep growing and evoluating.

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