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Eastern European pearls: development and promotion transboundary city cultural tourism products (IPBU.01.02.00-90-574/11)

Overall project goal is is to increase the annual visitor numbers to the six selected cities - Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kolomiya (Ukraine), Lublin, Zamocs and Przeworsk (Poland) – as the key city cultural tourist centers of Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland.Project objective is also to improve the quality of the experience and tourism offer of the cultural and historical heritage of target cities developing of self-guided city tours, to make a tourist city maps, to habituate system of information and interpretation sings and start up a professional promotion campaign. In case of cross border effect, project will combine the efforts of local authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders of the border regions in Ukraine and Poland in the promotion of the target cities as cultural tourism destinations. Specifically, joint promotion events conducting on both sides of the border will allow promoting cities as components of a single cultural tour.Project will support the meetings of joint project steering committee throughout the project life time and in such way will create a platform for communication and joint cooperation for representatives (city cultural tourism counterparts) from both sides of the border. Min 100 representatives of target cities and other cities in both countries will participate in Transfrontier city cultural tourism Forum in order to share experience and elaborate common strategies for future actions.
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  • 89.1%   440 955,24
  • 2007 - 2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants