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Early Learn to Learn Environment
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our project, we mainly aim, through project’s topic and activities, to increase the quality of ECEC services and contribute to decrease the number of early school leavers in parallel with 2020 targets from the Communication from the Commission (2011).This is general aim and starting point for carrying out this project.The specific focus on the project is developing“learn to learn” competence in preschool children,involving it in the preschool education through natural activities and train the teachers about using“L2L” activities.We use“nature as means for children to use and develop their critical and creative thinking skills,learn to manage their own learning,create new objects or toys from natural materials and in general to “L2L”.We work as 7 partners;5 schools,one universtiy and one Quality Assurance Ins.These non-school partners will provide with high quality and each will use of their expertise in the Project.Each partner are very experienced in their fields.Most of them have done many EUProjects. QA partner will prepare a QA Plan and do necessary quality checks for each activity.They will assess the whole project and deliverables with their assessment tool INKA.To guarantee the quality and good collaboration in the project,we will also work with an External Evaluator. To plan theproject,we carried out a questionnaire to parents and a needs analysis to teachers in partner schools.Regarding their results, we planned training activities to introduce the “L2L” inclusion in preschool education. And we also had two preparatory meetings in Greece and Belgium to decide our road map during the project. We prepared a work plan. During the project, 4 transnational meetings will be done with different purposes like validation of materials for pilot and final implementation.Teacher trainings on L2L will be also organized.The teachers will develop activity plans and materials after the training.Totally,60 activities will beused in final implementation.“EL2LE Guide for Teachers” will be prepared. We will organize seminars for parents to be aware of the “L2L”implementationsand learn activities to do with children at home.Kids will continue developing “L2L”at home.They will also be given “EL2LE” Guide for Parents”.And to inform the policy makers about the results, each partner will organize workshops. We will develop a Moodle platform for uploading “L2L” presentation,activity plans to practice “L2L”,results for other teachers to access and reach the project materials.It will be an OER and will be a contribution to have common European implementations. Our project’s open virtual platform will have local,regional and European level impact.The virtual platform and its material will reach a considerable number of local and regional schools,and interested schools across Europe and this will give chance to exchange good examples.Besides, a “L2L Road Map” will be prepared at the end.A research paper on“opportunities and obstacles in 21st century “learn to learn”competence:what works, what doesn’t and what needs to be done”will have strong impact in European level.And policy paper will offer recommendations to the policy-making European community and European Commission and aim to support future funding programming in the field of ECEC“learn to learn”competence. By starting to develop“L2L”competences in preschool,which is necessary for people’s future career life,we aim to increase the number of well-qualified staff in labour market in the future. To disseminate our results,we will use our network and different communication channels such as LinkedIn,websites and also project’s Moodle platform.We will prepare newsletter andsend to 2000 schools in Europe.At least 30 schools will subscribe to Moodle platform infollowing2 years.Each partner school will continue teacher and parent trainings with different teachers and parents from their region. European schools network of early “L2L” environment will increase interest and will furthermore facilitate schools’ tapping into small eco-systems in other countries,thus representing a major and in time even powerful resources to schools across Europe going L2L. Moodle platform will be easily accessible and free for everyone to be a member and use the resources available there.The teachers wishing to observe“L2L” activities will be able to visit our schools and also will share their photos with us while doing activities with children.We will create an “EL2LE”e-mail group consisting of the teachers and parents participating in our seminars,trainings and write the update developments in“L2L” implementations and our coming events for them. Thanks to this project, we aim to increase the quality of preschool education and develop kids in terms of competences necessary for real life.For it,we will work during and after the project.We will train teachers and parents,inform policy makers,develop teaching and learnining materials and at lastwe will givethem the chance to best start for future
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6 Partners Participants