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Early co-ordinated actions preventing social exclusion

We have enabled a common understanding and better cooperation and support to young people with special needs and also increased collaboration between Vocational Education Organisations, health services, employer organisations, business and enterprise. Research and statistics show that many young people end up in isolation from an early age, which goes against Lidköping Municipality's vision to be a welcoming and sustainable municipality. The responsibility to support young people's development and progress into employment is shared by different players according to individual circumstances but a common approach is vital.We have developed an education programme and shared with our partners and the public, which assists in reducing alienation, drop-out, mental illness and unemployment, thereby increasing the possibility of entering the open labour market.Our partnership was carefully constructed to ensure that it represented experience and high skills with young people and transnational activities and also represented a wide range of organisations. Exclusion and unemployment among young people is a problem throughout the EU area today. Youth unemployment is as high as 22.5% in the EU and even higher, 22.6% in Sweden. Dropout from school is a common problem.The concrete result was the online education programme with open access, which was developed from a training model that was aimed for staff (VET professionals/trainers/teachers) who meet young people and work with a common vision and values in relation to supporting them into employment or vocational training and are well supported throughout the organization.Previous experience of our international project work have shown that our organization has developed and gained an increased quality. In this project we have increased our knowledge of how to handle these issues in other countries and how we can help to spread our knowledge of the field. Sharing knowledge on an international level between method and methodology in the field of youth, is important to enhance each participant's ability to perform their work in a better way. Another goal was that through this educational effort prevent dropouts from school, getting more young people with passes, increase the employability of young people and reduce the risk of exclusion, all to create the conditions for health equity.

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4 Partners Participants