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E-Tutors TransNet - E-Tutors Transnational Network

E-Tutors TransNet will analyse the results of previously funded projects in order to review the advantages and disadvantages of different e-learning systems implemented or currently being implemented via web-based platforms.The project will focus upon four particular areas, namely, Metallurgy, Metalwork, Electronics and Management and will create an Electronic Document Knowledge Base (EDKB) to act as a centralised access point for all identified reference materials on e-learning at European level.The EDKB will be accessible by specialists in distance-training, human resources managers and training and education providers and will provide information to assist in decision-making with regard to the methods and technical solutions associated with distance and e-learning.Activities will comprise: definition of the EDKB, implementation of the EDKB and the supporting web-platform, development and testing of both technical and teaching modules for distance training and maintenance and up-dating of the EDKB.The EDKB will comprise two individual areas, the international area featuring the original materials and results (in EN) and then individual national areas, dedicated to individual partner countries featuring results appropriate to specific geographical areas or sectors and combining national versions of individual project results.Dissemination is proposed through the dedicated partner website, through e-advertising and through presence at a series of conferences/seminars within individual partner countries.
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9 Partners Participants