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" E - trener. Europejski szkoleniowiec z zakresie międzykulturowej edukacji osób dorosłych".
Start date: Sep 2, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is to improve the key competences of employees in the field of adult education, including: 1. raising the level of qualifications of employees in the sphere of application of modern intercultural methods of education and training, 2. increasing the staff's motivation to work in cross-cultural groups, 3. exchange of experiences in the sphere of the running of training sessions, 4. exchange of experiences concerning training sessions organisation, 5. exchange of experiences in the sphere of educational services marketing, 6. improvement of the quality of educational and training services offered, 7. improvement of the effectiveness of international projects designing and EU projects management. The above objectives will be achieved by: Objective 1 – 2. Participation in the training: „ICT as a tool for intercultural and media education” organised by a Portuguese partner who is the leader in the field of application of modern and medial technologies of education. In the training sessions will participate 6 staff members (selected trainers in the organisation who have been getting the highest notes in their evaluation questionnaires and whose command of English is at least at level B2). Objective 2 – 5. Job shadowing, which is going to take place in a partner organisation in Portugal, which has a significant experience in training sessions organisation and their promotion, and which applies modern marketing tools. In Job shadowing will participate staff member of the Pro Europa Foundation, who is a specialist in training sessions organisation and who takes care of the international exchange in the organisation. Objective 6 – 7. Participation in the training: „Fundraising, project design and project cycle management” organised by Italian partner, Alessandro Gariano, who organizes and runs trainings and who is an expert in the field of international project designing and their management. In the above training sessions will participate 2 people – staff members who design international projects in the organisation and one staff member who creates and manages projects in the organisation. The chosen methods are job shadowing and the critical analysis of the materials obtained in the training sessions. Results of the project will be: - enhancing the over-national cooperation via new contacts overseas, - extension of the range of the trainings offered (not only in the domestic, but also in the international context), - improvement of the quality of the trainings offered - improvement of the effectiveness of training organisation and of their promotion, - extension of the educational offer via inclusion of the new aspects acquired in the courses and at the job shadowing, -"making adult teaching more attractive” via conveying "good practices" of teaching acquired abroad, - improvement on the project design quality, - improvement on the project management quality. The project will bring long-term advantages. In the long term the organisation will increase competitiveness on the training market. Moreover, the completed project will improve job satisfaction of the staff.
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