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e-training of professionals of the voluntary sector on the Validation Of Competences
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The development of competences is one of the main reasons why people become volunteers. This is the conclusion of various studies from the last few years within the European Union, including: “Volunteering in the European Union” (European Commission, 2010) and “Así somos: el perfil del voluntariado social en España” (Translation: “This is who we are: the profile of social volunteering in Spain”) (Plataforma del Voluntariado de España, 2013).In this context, it is essential that we, as voluntary organisations, can offer to those volunteering a way to validate the competences they develop as volunteers. Unfortunately, the wide majority of professionals working in the European voluntary sector lack the training necessary to implement processes of validation of competences within their organisations. The partners of this project know first-hand this problem as we have years of experience working in the development of tools for the validation of competences. The main obstacle we have constantly faced is the lack of training in this field of the professionals working for voluntary organisations.Therefore, to provide a solution to this common European need, we have prepared the e-VOC project with the objective to improve, for the professionals of the European voluntary sector, the offer, accessibility and quality of continuous training (C-VET) on the validation of competences. The specific objectives of the project are:- To develop the first open online training course, offering 120 hours of training to the professionals of the European voluntary sector on the validation of competences, accessible via computers, tablets and smartphones.- To test the online training course with 20 professionals from the European voluntary sector to evaluate whether the course responds to the identified training needs and to allow for the necessary improvements to be implemented.- To translate and publish the online training course in three languages (Spanish, English and Italian) as OER (Open Educational Resources).- To teach to 160 trainers of regional and national platforms of voluntary organisations, from 4 countries, on the potential and on the use of the online training course so that they can, in turn, promote it among the professionals of the voluntary organisations they represent.- To have, at least, 1.500 professionals from the European voluntary sector (0.05% of the total target group) starting the online training course before the end of the project.In order to facilitate the measurement of the impact of the project on its target group, we have established the objective that 1.500 professionals will start the online training course before the end of the project. This does not mean that the total impact of the project at European level will be limited to those 1.500 professionals. We estimate that around 3.000.000 professionals could potentially benefit from this online training course. Therefore, after the end of the project, the main results that we, as partners, hope to get is a continuous increase over time of the number of professionals from the European voluntary sector who complete the online training course.Also, as the online training course will be published as OER under the Creative Commons license (Attribution - Share Alike (BY-SA)), we hope that after the end of the project, a large number of people and organisations from different sectors, will access, modify and exploit the results of the project, as part of other projects or actions.In addition to the partners’ employees and the 20 professionals from the European voluntary sectors with whom the online training course will be tested, trainers of platforms of voluntary organisations, representatives of other educational sectors, and policy-makers from the VET sector will participate in the project. In total, we plan to include 245 direct participants in the project.
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3 Partners Participants