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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In today’s technology, informatics is either the base or the subbranch of each profession field. Nowadays, each profession field has a computer software specifically designed for professional purposes. Our school has many departments alongside Accounting Department. Accounting profession was based on calculators in the past but nowadays it has been based on informatics software. The economical growth of our country can only be achieved by employees who are good at accounting and trading business. E-trading is the key to the growth of trading. Online trading has become possible with the widespreading of the Internet. This new trading system is called as electronic trading or shortly e-trading. Electronic trading subject is not covered thoroughly in current coursebooks or school module systems. That results from the fact that this concept is totally new and there haven’t been enough specialists in that area. So, our students cannot have workplaces to have their internship training on such a an important subject. Practical teaching is essential for students to comprehend the subject and to be qualified employees. Istanbul is the most active industrial city in Turkey and Fatsa is one of the gates opening through the North. So, our project is based on Information Technologies Department and Accounting Department students from 3 different schools in these 3 cities. Having their internship training in Germany about e-trading. The project consists of 48 students; 24 students from Altındağ IMKB Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and 12 students from each partner schools. With the company of 8 teachers, our students will their internship training in a secure environment. We have been working on the preparations for this project for long time. Germany has been chosen as one of the best countries where our students can have their training . Germany has been chosen because its industry, trading system and education system are more developed compared to other Eu countries. The partners in Germany have already adjusted the workplaces where the internship trainings will be carried out, even accomodation and catering issues have already been sorted out. A direct flight to Düsseldorf is planned. The city where the students will accomodate will be reached by bus travles from Düsseldorf. As our students come from economically and socially disadvantaged families, wealthy families in our city will be asked to help to those students who need financial help. Our institution will also help those students. We even plan to take more students to Germany by searching for additional resources in dissemination activities. Our project consists of 2 mobility flows which last per 3 weeks, 6 weeks in total so as not to have accommodation and internship workplace problems. Information and Accounting Department students from our school will participate in the first mobility flow. Information Departmant students from partner institutions will participate in the second mobility flow. Mobility flows are planned to happen in April and May when the weather condition is nice, there is no transportation problem and the institutions in Germany are not on holidays. The participants will consist of students from 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. School subjects which will be missed during the mobility flows will be compensated with remedial teaching. The intersnhip trainings will be carried out in workplaces which work on e-trading or logistics. At the end of the project, the participants will learn the e-trading concept, practice e-trading in a real business atmosphere, show better learning performance, have a carrer expectancy, improve their spirit of entrepreneurship, be more self-confident, improve their foreign language proficiency and have a cross-cultural awareness. Thanks to the project the students will be more active participants in cultural events, have awareness towards European Union values and they will be more willing to get a university degree upon visiting a foreign country. Moreover, most of our students have not had the chance of visiting another city in their own country, so such an experience will make them stand on their own legs. Accompanying teachers will also have the opportunity to improve their foreign language proficiency and academical skills.. They will transfer their experiences to other students and colleagues. Thanks to this project, our schools will set an example for other schools in our cities. Moreover, it will be shown that projects are not just for students who come from economicallay advantaged families; on the contrary students who are not wealthy can be participants in such projects. Our country’s need for qualified employees in e-trading will be supplied at least for our cities. With the growth of e-trading, our cities and country’s products will be easily marketed and this will result in national and local cash inflow.
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5 Partners Participants