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E.R.E. - Espace Riviere Europe (E.R.E.)
Start date: Nov 30, 2004, End date: Nov 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

(ERE) are to: • Assist in a better understanding of the concept of sustainable development in the territories concerned with regard to social, eco-tourism and environmental aspects. • Develop awareness among the target audience of the need for protection of water resources for fair, sustainable usage, especially through teaching about water environments. Interreg IIIC provides added value to the project already implemented by contributing to active transfer amongst partners of experiences and practical solutions through innovative, experimental actions. Overall objective / Objectif général The main objectives of the European River Space (ERE) are to: • Assist in a better understanding of the concept of sustainable development in the territories concerned with regard to social, eco-tourism and environmental aspects. • Develop awareness among the target audience of the need for protection of water resources for fair, sustainable usage, especially through teaching about water environments. Interreg IIIC provides added value to the project already implemented by contributing to active transfer amongst partners of experiences and practical solutions through innovative, experimental actions. Expected results / Résultats attendus The concept of the European River Space (ERE) should result in a widespread trend towards protection of water resources in upper water courses. • By promoting agreements amongst local partners, by carrying out feasibility studies and creating tools for sustainable local development and decision-making. • By producing methodological guides, carrying out surveys and awareness campaigns, organising pilot, experimental, ecology workshops, and providing scientific follow-up. • By developing ecotourism products and providing solutions to the problem of social exclusion. • By exchanging good practices and know-how amongst environmental, ecotourism and social integration professionals.
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  • 41.2%   626 176,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC South
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants