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e-Media Education Lab : un laboratoire en ligne sur le développement des compétences en éducation aux médias pour les enseignants en formation initiale et continue
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

eMEL (e-Media Education Lab) is a project which aims to support the development of media education in Europe by strengthening the skills of teaching professionals. Indeed, media education, which has become a key competency in nowadays society, takes place in a highly variable way from one country to another, from one school to another, from one classroom to another, and teachers lack resources and training in this area. eMEL aims to develop teachers’ skills in media literacy through their initial and vocational training. In addition, this project aims to develop and produce open educational resources that will enable teachers’ trainers to develop innovative practices in terms of training in media education and to appropriate oneself the resources. These resources will be developed inside a laboratory for experimentation and collaboration (e- lab) before being in fee access to all. Thus the final beneficiaries are scholars and students who benefit from the impact of the project through a deeper implementation of media education activities dedicated to them. The project will involve about 10 piloting groups of teachers, in initial or vocational training for a total of at least 120 teachers-users of the online environment (e- lab). Each pilot group will be involved in 15-20 hours of training. Then, a minimum of 12 activities of dissemination including those through a decentralized plan and of proximity - the road show - gather a minimum of 200 teachers and teachers’ trainers across Europe. Practically, eMEL project includes the following actions: - Mapping media literacy skills of teachers - Implementing a participatory methodology and teachers-users centred. - Collaborating and developing innovative training methods and scenarios - Developing an online environment (e- lab) for trainers in media education and their target groups: teachers or future teachers - Finalizing the online environment as an open educative resource that can be exploited and enriched - To disseminate this online environment of media education through various dissemination events. From a methodological point of view, the project is based on the involvement of teachers and their trainers, whether they are in initial or vocational training, in order to develop and experiment innovative methods and tools in terms of skills development in media education. The methodology, user-centred, requires their active participation and involvement in the process and will guarantee the relevance of intellectual productions produced. About the impact, eMEL project plans a constant back and forth between local level (teachers’ classroom), regional and national level (Initial or vocational training institutions) and European level (Online and multilingual environment). At a local level (the ground of teachers, their classes), the major impact will be the more important implementation (anchor) of media education in schools promoting critical and creative skills of pupils and students. Finally, the whole process of the project is built on a long-term perspective. The frame of teachers' skills in media education will be a reference document for all subsequent studies and research. The training scenarios will be finalized for wider dissemination and for a long-term. The online laboratory, finalized as open educative resource and available in English and French will remain available to any teacher trainer wishing to develop skills in media education of its teachers groups.
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6 Partners Participants