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e-Learning for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Climate change is occurring in Europe, with the European land temperature over the past decade on average 1,3°C higher than in the pre-industrial era, making it the warmest decade on record (Source: Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012 - EEA Report No 12/2012). The consequences of climate change can already be noted through the increase in the frequency of natural disasters. In Europe, according to the Emergency Database of Disasters (EMDAT), the number of natural disasters reported increased from 43 in 1974-1978 to 288 in 1999-2003. All the agencies working on monitoring climate change agree that, in the future, such consequences will intensify with the weather and temperatures being more extreme. Impacts will include natural disasters such as river floods, droughts, forest fires, warm periods, including heat waves, are expected to be more intense, more frequent and longer-lasting. (Source: EEA 2007: Europe’s Environment, the fourth assessment). The impact of natural disasters on the European population ranges from material damage, economic losses, casualties (death and injuries) and psychological distress. However, such impacts can be mitigated through the education of individuals, communities, and disaster responders on three levels: prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters. Unfortunately, the European population lack the necessary education to face the changes brought upon them by climate change. In order to address the identified educational needs of the European population to face the changes brought upon them by climate change, fire and rescue services, primary and secondary education schools, adult education providers, and public administrations from six European countries will work together in this cross-sectoral and cross-border partnership. The project “e-learning for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters” aims to develop, validate and deploy a set of innovative educational materials to educate the European population on the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters related to climate change. These educational materials will be made into e-learning modules and available for free on an e-learning platform as OER (Open Educational Resources). There will be four e-learning modules: one for primary school children, one for secondary school students, one for adults including those from disadvantaged social groups (those with fewer opportunities, elderly and disabled people…), and one for disaster responders (fire and rescue services, emergency personnel and other first responders). Each e-learning module will be tailored to the specific needs of its target group throughout a process of adaptation and validation. The execution of the project will last 24 months and is structured in the following phases: PHASE 1: Development of the educational content for the e-learning modules The professionals in prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters represented by the four fire and rescue services from Denmark, Lithuania, Spain and United Kingdom will develop the educational content for the four e-learning modules. PHASE 2: Adaptation of the educational content to the target group Teachers and trainers from primary and secondary schools, adult education centres, and VET providers will adapt the educational content of the e-learning modules to the specific needs of each target group. PHASE 3: Translation of the e-learning modules Project partners from non-English speaking countries will translate the e-learning modules into their national language while the British project partner will improve the quality of the English version. PHASE 4: First deployment of the e-learning modules Project partners will deploy on the e-learning platform the four e-learning modules in six European languages. PHASE 5: Validation of the e-learning modules The e-learning modules will be validated by real users (primary school children, secondary school students, adults, and professionals from fire and rescue services) throughout six pilot tests. PHASE 6: Final deployment of the e-learning modules Based on the feedback from the validation of the e-learning modules carried out during the pilot tests, project partners will apply the necessary improvements and will deploy the final version of the e-learning modules, accessible to all and for free in six European languages (Danish, English, Estonian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Spanish) on the e-learning platform as OER (Open Educational Resource). As the e-learning modules will be easily transferable to other countries and to other organisations, every user, teacher, trainer or education provider using the e-learning modules will be a positive step towards the education of the European population and the disaster responders on the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters.
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5 Partners Participants