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e-Learning for Senior Citizens Academy.

This project focuses on the need for inclusion of senior citizens in Europe, the latter stillbeing very much under-represented when it comes to competent and self-directed useof ICT. The digital divide still concerns, to a major extent, the older population. Theprimary goal of the project is to develop and establish a European eLearning academyfor seniors - the eLSe-Academy - in five European countries DE, ES, IT, LT, SE. TheeLSe-Academy aims at optimally supporting seniors in the process of accessing andbecoming involved in the information and knowledge society, by applying the formula ofusing ICT as a learning medium as well as a learning content. At the Academy thepotentials of ICT for the older generation will be utilised by developing a non-formal,flexible and accessible eLearning-based ICT qualification course that matches thespecific needs of this highly heterogeneous target group.The eLSe-Academy will re-adapt existing modules and newly develop 12 eLearningmodules conceived and tailored to the learning needs of seniors in five Europeancountries. In order to cope with the diverse impairments and disabilities of seniors,special focus will be given to multimedia-enriched didactic elements (demonstrations,audiovisual elements, interactive exercises). The segmentation of the content will beadapted to the seniors' learning pace and attention span. The modular course conceptmakes it possible to choose and aggregate a variable number of learning modules intoone course, to respect prior knowledge, demands and preferences. The training coursewill be developed and offered on a fully adapted open source learning and managementsystem that follows the rules and principles of accessibility. The open source approachwill be a key aspect for the long-term sustainability of the project.This project is based on the concepts, technology and products developed in thecontext of eLSe (eLearning for Seniors), a 2004 Minerva project, a project on inclusionfor those with no ICT-skills at all and not being able, due to mobility restrictions, toattend to face-to-face training offers, a rather restricted target group. In the eLSe-Academy this products will be further developed and enhanced in order to cope with thebroader and heterogeneous target group of all seniors seeking adequate support withbecoming ICT competent. Moreover, there will be content extension, new didactical andmedia elements and implementation in additional European countries.

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