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E-Learning-Based Cooperative Educational and Pedagogical Methods for VET Teachers

The project will develop a standardised e-learning tool to train teachers responsible for VET in co-operative educational methods, that is, in standardised methods utilising a variety of teaching and learning resources, including information technology. The project will identify standardised units for teaching students, in different countries, which can be related as uniform learning tools - or cooperative learning tools. Teachers can then be trained to apply these tools. The impact of cooperative learning on both teachers and the pupils they teach will be significant and should improve the learning environment. The project will develop two tools, an 'e-learning tool for cooperative learning' (ETC) and an 'e-learning supported exercise for cooperative learning' (ESEC). The content and methodology of these tools will be developed in the course of the project and will refer to subjects such as: information and communication technology; cooperative educational methodology; the learning process and activity planning. Materials will be developed for courses on the following subjects: media; economics; trade; marketing; administration; electronics; mechanical engineering; catering & tourism. The ETC and ESEC tools will be piloted amongst the project partners and will be supported by a project manual. The project website will provide a platform for the dissemination of project materials and end project results.
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5 Partners Participants