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E-Government for You (EGOV4U)
Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Across Europe by 2010 around one-third of EU citizens are unlikely to be using e-Government services and will still not be e-included. They are often those most socially disadvantaged and placing greatest demand on public service resources. Addressing this core issue, the overall objective of EGOV4U is to accelerate the pace of e-enabled citizen-centric service delivery to socially disadvantaged citizens. Central to the strategy will be the closer integration into service delivery networks of organisations (e.g. 3rd Sector, NGOs) and others who can act locally with or for excluded citizens. EGOV4U will remove the barriers to access to e-enabled services by: putting targeted technology into the hands, homes and communities of the socially disadvantaged; sharing and redeploying best practice e-government ICT solutions for flexible, personalised and multi-channel services; critically evaluating outcomes; and providing training and disseminating results widely across the EU. The approach makes significant use of technology re-use and is thus highly carbon efficient
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8 Partners Participants