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E-Cuisine was born through the need to prepare German beneficiaries for work experience periods in France. This began in 2007 when e-learning tools were presented to German trainers in seminars in preparation for a mobility scheme in the framework of an Equal initiative for German kitchen apprentices. Then, under a jointly-funded R Bosch Foundation and Leonardo Da Vinci action e-GRETA was used to prepare German apprentices and their leaders prior to placements in hotels and restaurants in Lower Normandy. These tools gave the German apprentices some grounding in French kitchen skills again before their placements under IdA programme which is still in place.This platform is currently used within the Lower Normandy Greta Network in keeping with the curriculum for the French state education diploma : "CAP Cuisine". It of course has no specific aims as a tool for foreign learners, however the possibility of transferring the existing French approach to a European hub and then providing multilingual access through the Internet, is an extremely attractive prospect to all those who have witnessed its very simple placement preparation potential with the German partners. During further meetings with other interested partners which took place in 2008, ideas were brought forward to create a motivating resource more readily accessible to the three non-French partners in countries where the Hospitality Industry is of great importance: Poland, the UK, and Germany, and where the use of the French language for technical reference is already commonplace, up to a certain point, in professional kitchens.The aims are twofold : 1 create a new distance learning offer in basic cuisine tranferring French approach, available to more partners as support for trainers and apprentices within the partnership and create new tools fully adapted to non-native speakers preparing work experience abroad 2 enable trainees to apprehend both basic professional languages, strongly connected to the activities, and the cultural and occupational differences to prepare work experience abroad. The intention is to adapt the approach and create new tools for each partner training network, and thus develop a new offer in Scotland, Lodz, Brandenburg and Lower Normandy.This can be done thanks to the partnership of four training networks strongly connected to the social and economical background.The project aims also at making VET more responsive to working life as regards the improvement of qualifications, since in practice the tools also serve as a means to maintain the contact between the trainee and the centre during internship periods.The project provides a ready-made competence-based teaching offer for the vocational environment in the catering trade. Sharing technical terms for essential skills through the virtual mobility of the Internet facilitates true mobility for their application in our regions.
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5 Partners Participants