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'e'-Based Inter Regional Development (e-BIRD)
Start date: Sep 30, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation aims to make the inhabitants and institutions of the Grande Region aware of the existence of this area of inter-regional co-operation in order to strengthen the identity and the sense of sharing a space with social, cultural and economic links. Thanks to the specificity of the INTERREG IIIC programme, projects which cover the whole of the Grande Region can now be implemented. Achievements: Achievements so far At the end of the year 2007, the vision of the Great Region might be different. It can be different for politics and actors of the spatial development, for all actors involved in new networks of cooperation, and for citizens developing a stronger feeling of belonging to this interregional area.The Walloon Region (Lead partner of e-BIRD), the Saarland, the Lorraine Region, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, the Rhineland-Palatinate and the German-speaking vommunity, support, with operationnal assistance from the intercommunale Idelux, 20 subprojects in fields of 'Social, economical and spatial development','Culture and knowledge' and 'Education, training and research'. In the component 'Social, economical and spatial development ' new informations have been given to politics and actors of spatial development through different ressources : a study of the market job with propects until 2020 considering all interdependances between each region, two surveys defining the different workforce bassins(defined at the communal level/NUTS 5) and their social and economical caracteristics (origin of the workers, sectors of activity) according to a 'borderless' approch. Others spatial and sectorial approches ('Comparison of the spatial devolpment systems', 'Knowledge of the econonimcal flows in the GR') have been implemented to improve this general vision of the GR. In field of 'Culture of knowledge' many participants of the networks created have enlarged their cooperation outside the GR especially to promote new good practices in the management of e-contents in the cultural promotion (EPIC network for instance) . The portals develop also the interest ofcitizens regarding numbers of hits on websites (more than 40.000 in February 2007 for the cultural Portal of the GR). The implementation of educationnal material encourage mutual knowledge by school pupils and reinforce also the definition of the GR for young citizens. Finally in the component 'education, training and research', pupils and students can improve their feeling of belonging to the great Region through the opportunity they have to study in the GR: either thanks existing integrated cursus of courses (in physics) or by knowing of facilities brought by the European union and all fields they can study, in Sciences for instance. Besides, others universities can rely on these examples for the implementation of the Bologna Process (Project 'Obstacle-free studying: integration and uniformity in university courses of physics in the GR' have realised good practices tools to this purpose). All the events led witihin the operation (115) permitted first, to reinforce the mutual knowledge of their participants, then to transfer better practices from each side and outside the GR and finally, to implement solutions and define recommandations for the future, permitting a better added-value of cooperation's dynamics in the GR.
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  • 48.9%   3 107 776,51
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants