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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące (comprehensive school) is a public institution, which educates 390 students in 14 classes of different profiles: humanistic, academic, mathematics and physics, mathematical-computer and tourist-linguistic and employes 45 teachers. The school is situated in a substitute building, which does not provide good woking and educational conditions.Our institution is struggling with many problems (the school lies on the outskirts of town, so every year we must search for gifted, ambitious pupils; 50% of the school pupils come from defavoured countryside, from poor families; pupils rarely decide to pass foreign language on the maturity exam on higher level what makes their further education more difficult; we notice lack of regularity at the work of pupils and higher absencs; weak knowledge of foreign languages by non-language teachers is making it difficult for them to use foreign-language methodological sources; teachers with longer work experience are working with routine, they are lacking new ideas, feel the professional burnout. To overcome these problems and increase the quality of work of teachers and the entire school, we are willing to take part in Erasmus+ project which will fulfill the following objectives:1. raising efficiency of using English language by our pupils2. increasing of methodological qualifications by science teachers, knowledge about culture and foreign languages and ability to use foreign languages3. implementing modern, activating methods and techniques of education, attractive for pupils with putting emphasis on technology and communication4. helping students withe the problem of high absence and Elary school leasing.9 teachers are involved in a project: a headmaster, 2 English teachers , 1 teacher of German , 1 teacher of Russia/German, 1 teacher of Chemistry, 1 Maths teacher, 1 teacher of ICT, 1 teacher of knowledge about culture.Five teachers will take part in English courses abroad in order to raise language skills what enables them participation in trainings abroad, using the foreign-language specialist literature in classes, contacts with teachers abroad through eTwinning and supporting of projects of the international exchange of students organised by our school.All teachers will go for methodology courses, raising their qualifications in applying active and modern methods of ICT in the process of teaching. In consequence, pupils of this comprehensive school will change their attitude towards science and will notice that it is possible to learn difficult subjects in interesting and friendly way, which will result in the future choice of technical colleges. Our pupils will be aware of the importance of foreign languages knowledge in the context of international exchange of young people, educational development and future chances on the European labour market.Thanks to the participation in courses we will introduce innovations in teaching many subjects, lessons will become more attractive which will result in better effects of education and higher self-assessment of pupils. Pupils will receive tools which enable them start in adult life. They will also receive tips how to be found in multicultural world.A Satisfactory School Experience course will help us understand students’ problems and fears. In the future we will prevent the negative phenomena of early school leaving.The acquired knowledge and abilities we will share with other teachers of our school and other educational establishments. We will carry out staff meetings and opened lessons for teachers, we will prepare presentations and exhibitions of photographs, we will place information about the participation in the project on a school website and in the local and specialist press in order to encourage a bigger number of teachers to use European programs and to increase their qualifications.Erasmus+ program is a unique chance for teachers of public institutions for training abroad, getting to know the tendency of the development of the European education, new methods of teaching.In consequence of participation in this program, the quality of work of teachers in our school will be improved, teaching will become more effective, educational and professional chances of our pupils will grow and the IV comprehensive school will gain prestige in the local environment.

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