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Dynamiser la filière professionnelle sanitaire et sociale par la mobilité des enseignants
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Injecting dynamism into the health and social care sector by organising mobility for VETPRO" is the consortium project of Académie d'Aix-Marseille gathering public and private vocational high schools offering courses in this branch. Hold by the GIP-FCIP, the project is co-managed by the inspection and DAREIC (International Departement) of Aix-Marseille. Our project followed on from EREIVET project, a network of 15 partners participating in the European programes and working together in VET since 2010 with the common target of improving the quantity and the quality of learning mobility projects for IVT and VETPRO. Whithin the framework of this network, Académie d'Aix-Marseille is leading a specific action in the health and social care sector to increase its internationalisation because few mobility projects are organised in the sector. Indeed, the population characteristics of our territory explain that the development of the health and social care trainings represents a concern for Académie d'Aix-Marseille. The consortium is a tool to take up the common education challenges in the health and social care sector that our schools have to face because internationalisation is an asset in the modernisation of our structures and teaching. The two years common action plan consists on sending VETPRO in mobility for two weeks. The participants are volontary teachers of Biotechnologies (Health and Environment option) or Health and Social Sciences and Technics who chose between two sorts of placement in the health and social care sector either within a company or a training center. For the participants, it's about to adquire new professional and pedagogical skills to reinvest in their teaching and to disseminate during training sessions for other teachers organised by the inspection. The improvement of modern language competences (in English or Spanish) aims at enabling the participants to pass the "certification complémentaire d'une discipline non linguistique (DNL)". This certification, recognised by the French Ministry for Education, allows a teacher to teach his/her non-language subject in a foreign language; It is also the requirement to create in our centres a European class in which pupils are taught a vocational subject through the medium of a foreign language. The knowledge and skills adquiered by the participants during the mobility are highlighted by the use of Europass documents. The EREIVET partners support our participants to find a placement. The coordination of the project is based on a closed cooperation between the steering goup members : GIP-FCIP (financial managment), DAREIC (administrative managment) inspection (pedagogical managment). In addition, school staff members from some training centres of the consortium join the steering group to take in charge some tasks: application, intermediary and filan report. The participants are responsable of their mobility and they receive a support from the DAREIC, inspection and their school during the whole project. The vocational centres of the consortium allow the participants to be away from school for the first week of the mobility and the participants use their holiday for the second week. Training sessions ensure a strong preparation before the departure, enlight each one's role and give the quality processes to follow. An evaluation plan guarantees a quality approach and allows the consortium to implement possible readjustments. Medium and long-term impacts are also expected : - The rise of IVT mobility projects in our training centres by familiarising the participants with European mobility project processes, by strengthening the existing partnerships with the receiving centres, by creating of a network of partner companies to welcome our pupils for a learning mobility. - Pedagogical emulation within the goup of health and social care teachers of Aix-Marseille Académie. - Deepening the cooperation started in the health and social care sector through the use of the documents created by EREIVET network (common units and learning objectives in three vocational branches), first step towards a closer cooperation to implement the ECVET.
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5 Partners Participants