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Dwujęzyczność - potencjał na przyszłość!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nowadays schools have to be innovative to be up with all the expectations set by modern labor markets` requirements. According to the analysis led in the whole European Union, educational systems in all the member countries should attempt to achieve a maximum cohesion with the labor market so that the graduates of high schools and universities do not need to deal with the problem of unemployment or underemployment. To provide its students with this possibility Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Gilowice has created the project "Bilingualism - a future potential" aiming at starting bilingual classes, mainly in the following subjects: mathematics, biology, chemistry, geography, social studies and culture studies. To achieve this goal 10 teachers are going to take part in intensive language courses, in particular: a course of English in the UK and a language course at home during 2 years of the project and ended up with the external exam. In addition, the project includes a job shadowing in in the Dutch school, which as a partner organization in the project has committed itself to share its bilingual experience with Polish teachers. A visit in partner school will allow Polish teachers to observe teaching methods and work organization in bilingual classes. The cooperation between schools will be followed by e-learning platform, where the Dutch teachers will be able to upload useful materials for Polish partners, including parts of the lessons and tips concerning bilingual teaching. All the mobilities planned in the project as well as the cooperation with the partner school will significantly help to fulfill the main goal of the project: including bilingual classes to the educational offer of Liceum Ogólnokształcące in Gilowice. Thanks to an increase in language competence and acquiring practical knowledge in the field of bilingual teaching the school will be able to put the set aim into reality. Making the project will influence the quality of school work and office in a measurable way by the improvement of language competence of the teachers, the increase in their self esteem and motivation, as well as making the school offer more attractive. These factors will attract more competent students to school which can lead to the further increase in school leaving exams` results. A longterm consequence of implementing the project results into the school`s offer will be providing its students with a new, innovative educational idea: bilingual classes led in English, mainly of science subjects. The graduates of the classes mentioned above will significantly improve their chances for higher education in any university in Europe. They will also make their job possibilities more attractive thanks to the language proficiency. The main effect of the project will be lowering of the unemployment rate among young people thanks to the cohision between the system of education and the labor market, as well as the achieved flexibility and mobility in the fields of employment which stays in accordance with qualifications without any language, cultural or territorial obstacles.

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