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Start date: Jan 10, 2016, End date: Sep 9, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Raise your voice for justice! is project of structured dialogue, which gives young people from marginalized groups of LGBTQ community an opportunity to shape the topics, that will be addressed in the context of the Pride Parade 2016. The project consists out of 3 parts of activities, in total we will implement 6 activities. In the first part of the activity we will gather unorganized youth through fasilitation process to formate the topics, that directly touch their everyday lives, due to their sexual orientation. They often face discrimination, violence and stigma, which has a major impact on their health and mental health. The next step will be to meet with activists of LGBTQ organizations, that help shape policy on LGBTQ and decision makers and together with them, find solutions to their challenges. In the second part of activities, we will address the topics that will be raised in the first part of a detailed analysis and give them a place in the accompanying program Pride Parade 2016. The project will be completed with the Evaluation meeting, which will be the review of consultations and their conclusions and discussions. We will as well outline guidelines for the future. The project will primarily serve as an analysis of the needs of LGBTQ youth, who are group, which is really vulnerable and hard to reach. By using a method of structured dialogue, we would like to help young people empower their competences of inter cultural dialogue, strengthening solidarity and build a better self-image in order to reduce the sense of social exclusion on the basis of sexual orientation. They will raise its voice for justice and become active citizens of civil society, who did not yet get a chance to express their opinions and challenges they face. It is crucial to recognize for decision makers and other stakeholders what it means to be part of the LGBTQ community and what kind of stigma in society that brings to them.

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