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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The various approaches in which the earlier VET DUAL experiences take place make it advisable to try to define a framework in which market-relevant training and work aspects are properly oriented. The danger of the dispersion of the experiences of the regions and the states with jurisdiction on the matter, justifies the need for business organizations to provide the means to ensure the unity of the training market and, consequently, of the labour market. The key points of the project are targeted towards guaranteeing that the skills acquired by a learner after a training process match those defined in the official curriculum. Therefore, they are suitable to move to the European supplements so that employers can easily recognize them and without the need to adopt new certifications. During the design of this project, the partners have noted the differences between the rate of unemployment among young people and have come to know different experiences in which the use of this dual VET system greatly facilitates the transition to employment and which has helped the reduction of the unemployment rates especially among young people. This is the case of Germany. The system is characterized by the fact that enterprises are the main responsible entities for vocational training; the focus is placed on training in enterprises and the familiarity with the working life at an early stage. The project has been designed so to research and to transfer all good practices that have been developed in dual VET in countries that have implemented it. The project aims at investigating and defining the key aspects that are associated with the training of a dual system: the selection of the participating enterprises, the characteristics and the role of the mentors, how the training is related to the enterprises and, finally, the results of the training in terms of skills. The project will be oriented towards the Construction, metal and food sectors. The consortium partners are business organizations and training centers of Spain, Italy and Romania that want to gain deeper knowledge and to help implementing a system that is proving so excellent in some European countries, and a German public agency that is developing the DUAL VET experience. The project activities include: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EUROPEAN GOOD PRACTISES-SURVEY: Analysis of good practices in the area of dual training that have been developed at the European level, and the dual situation in the participating countries. The result will be collected in the electronic document: Analysis and Results of the BP in DUAL VET. DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGIES AND TRAINING MATERIAL FOR STUDENTS AND TUTORS: The objective is the elaboration and the design of the training to be done within enterprises. It is about identifying the skills to provide, the time that is dedicated to the training and the indicators of that training. The design of the training content for the tutors will be done depending on the sector and the type of business; there will be sectorial calls so that enterprises participate in the training of the learners. PILOT PROJECT WITH COMPANIES TO TEST THE MATERIALS: A pilot experience will be conducted for the application of the designed training for apprentices and tutors in Spain (3 sectors), Italy (1 sector) and Romania ( 2 sectors). This will include the selection and training of the tutors and the implementation of the training programs in businesses for the trainees. A group of 15 – 20 learners will be formed for each sector in each participating country. EUROPASS APPRENTICE ACCREDITATION and EQF. The learning outcomes will be defined according to Europass (a portfolio of documents aimed at helping the citizens to describe their qualifications and skills) and will be related to the EQF, that describes the levels of qualifications in terms of learning outcomes. These results allow a better match between the needs of the labour market (in terms of knowledge, skills and competences) and the education and the training services. They also facilitate the validation of non-formal and informal learning as well as the transfer and use of those qualifications across the different countries and the different education and training systems. In this way the participants will acquire the qualifications that will allow that the training received is recognized in other countries. The German model will be especially analyzed. CEOE will coordinate the project and will develop a Quality and Communication plan that will ensure the wide dissemination and the optimal quality of the activities and the results. The target groups, both at the national and European levels, are students of DUAL VET, enterprises, tutors, sectorial and national business organizations, training centers, local decision-makers and educational authorities. The results of the project are expected to be transferred to other sectors throughout Europe and endure once the project is completed
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5 Partners Participants