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Du volontariat pour le Théâtre
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Klub "AMI" is a NGO who promote French language and culture by organizing after-school workshops for children and young people. There is a wide range of workshops such as french classes for people from 7 to 18 years old, theatre (in french language), movies, drawing. The main objectives of our organization are learning about different cultures in order to approach the European family and presentation of the cultural values of Montenegro. Our main mission is to fight against all kinds of prejudices and stereotypes. The club is an organisation which has been involved in international cooperation and intercultural exchange in many different aspects for thirteen years so far. We host volunteers since 2011 and we can see in the city, Berane, how the population is use to have foreigner living here. We are able to host 2 people who speak French and are enthusiastic about getting to know new environment, new culture, having team-player abilities and who are motivated to transmit their knowledge to the children. Some of the proposed activities for the volunteers are : -French course : for kids from 7 to 10 years old where they learn the basics of the language with games and ludic activities, for teenagers who wants to prepare the DELF test, at different level, from A1 to B2, for teenager who wants to improve their french, it's an individual or by two meeting with the french volunteer. -Workshops about theatre : one for children from 11 to 14 years old and one for high school teenagers. Organising performances for the New year celebration and for the international drama festivals. -The volunteer will have the opportunity to take part in the organisation of the events and activities during the week of French speaking language in march in collaboration with French institute. -With the contacts that Klub "AMI" has in France, Belgium and other countries in Europe and the region, they organize international summer camps and schools and there is an option for the volunteer to be involved in these kind of actions. -In cooperation with the turist office in Berane, volunteer has also an option to work on the development of rural environment. -In the end, each volunteer is free to create its own workshop in the club. This year, organisation is planning a drawing course, to draw comic books or graffiti. The aim of this project is the cultural exchange. The volunteer will discover new culture and learn new language. Also he will develop competences in different fields as working with children and teaching them in his own language, then organisational and communicational skills as well as artistic skills. Members of the hosting association as well as the children who are involved in activities organised by this association have a chance to get to know more about the french culture, different way of life and french language from a native. All the results of the activities during this project (different workshops, events, school performances, international camps) will be available on the social networks in form of photos, videos and articles. In this way the experience of the volunteer and the results of his project can reach other young people in France and Montenegro as well as the other parts of Europe and to inspire them to get involved in the actions like this.
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