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Drum deschis catre o cariera europeana in domeniul serviciilor
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Open path to an European career in the field of services” is a mobility project for professional training VET developed for a group of 32 11th grade pupils from the technological branch of the services, qualified as technicians in the economic activities (16 participants) and technicians in the activities of commerce (16 participants) from the “Sever Bocu” High School in Lipova. Its aim is to ensure the high level of the professional training of our students and to lead their qualifications to the real world by developing the abilities and skills required by the employer. The project answers the need identified at the level of our school: when our pupils graduate and want to get a job in the field that they are trained they lack experience required by the job. This situation occurs when there are flaws in the practical training within our school.General aim- to enhance the level of the students’ training by doing practical activities in European companies which can broaden the chances to find a better job easier. Specific aimsO1:to improve the skills, abilities and knowledge in the field of their professional training –services – within the framework of the European Union so that the trainees would have better chances to practice their profession and to adapt to the requirements of the market.O2:to develop the training requirements of a working place such as efficient interconnection, group working, respect, balance and tolerance within a group.O3:to enhance the linguistic skills and the cultural horizon of the trainees when immersed in different European cultural environment.Partners- the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Cda Paphos College – the welcoming partners, together with the intermediary partner Rivensco Paphos Consulting.- Couta da Doce Supermarkets and O Requintado Barcelos Supermarket – welcoming partners together with the intermediary organisation Associacao Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade Barcelos, Portugual.The mobility will take place in two concomitant streams in Cyprus and Portugal in March 2017. Anticipated results:Intangible results:- 32 VET trainees professionally trained in an international environment with skills, abilities and knowledge improved to an European level.- 32 pupils able to use the appropriate English terms in order to communicate orally and in written.- 32 youngsters that have improved an appropriate behaviour to a working place by familiarising themselves to the environment and the reality of the business operators.- broadening of the cultural horizon of the 32 participants to the mobility.- experience in Erasmus+ project managementTangible results- 2 training ECVAT programmes for the practical training stages from the two qualifications in accordance with the Romanian Syllabus and correlated to the local, regional and European needs.- 32 personal portfolios with elaborated materials.- the transposition into two curricular auxiliaries of the training experience (one for each qualification).- the didactic brochure “European practice for the future” (exercises and typical examples of documents).- multiplying of the training experience by establishing and developing training firms shaped as a supermarket and an accountancy firm; presenting them at the Training Firms Project.- creating a Facebook profile that would present all the activities during the project.- elaborating 2 CDs to include all the activities from the project (one for each stream of participants).The impact on the participants- a better professional training in the field of services.- increased motivation and availability to find a job in the field of their training.- development of their teamwork abilities, the development of their responsibilities for a task and for a deadline.- increase of the adaptability of the students to the social environments, the improvement of their linguistic skills and the widening of their cultural horizon.- development of their entrepreneurial spirit.- increased self-esteem of the young teenagers.The impact on the institution- the mobility will open the path to international cooperation in professional training, it will support the development of the human resource from our school and it will be a stimulus for the other students of our school.Improvement- using the developed materials for the practical training of the future students.- new applications for concept papers or even programmes.- attending the 2018 Made for Europe Contest.- the improvement of the partnership for a higher professional training.
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6 Partners Participants