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DRP International Internship
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“De Rooi Pannen” recognizes the importance of an internship abroad for the students and tries to stimulate this, for some, difficult step. In these economic hard times, foreign companies find it more and more difficult to give students an allowance for their internship. This is the reason not every student can go abroad. To enable an internship abroad for all students, this application is done. This application consists of a total of 6 partial projects, in which the focus lies on the work experience the students achieve in this internship and for teachers to gain more English language proficiency. This is mainly for the teaching methods. The projects offer the 92 students (VET, Commerce, Trade, Hospitality, Marketing & Events, Tourism and recreation) an orientation on the international labourmarket and intensive training oriented language learning. The student acquires a better vision of his future labour, knows where his occupation stands on the international labour market and enhances his English/Spanish language skills. The practical work experience offers the possibility of gaining an impression at various compagnies. The students become prepared for their definitive entrance in the business comminity, because they run fewer risks of shortly drowning in the multitude of new information and impressions. The fear of 'the jump at the deep end' that the students inevitably need to make will be removed. The practical work experience, in a foreign county, will give the training a completely new dimension. Student will learn the role of an employee. They need to conquer their own place during their work experience. The students experience the culture of the European country and way of working in a European organization. Students go through a personal development, because they live in an unknown situation for some weeks, without their familiar social network. Assignments students have to do during their internship are part of a formal ending of their training and are in line with the qualification files of the education. Often there is a direct reference to work processes and competences. The assignments are signed off by the internship supervisor and judged by the teacher at school. Students who have followed a traineeship provide information to students one year lower, in order to have these students better prepared for their internship the following year. They themselves have received information from students who have done their internship the year before. During the course of the project partner companies from abroad will be added. Sometimes countries are known, but not yet the specified placement. Pl -codes will be added as soon as possible. For teachers who participate in this project, the following purposes apply: • English language teaching in marketing and events • Get to know educational trends in the English language teaching and use them during the own lessons
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12 Partners Participants