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Development of tourism and culture on the Drava River will increase revenues. The specific objective is to construct and mark a bike tour that will link cultural-tourist attractions of the region (sacred monuments, castles, protected public gardens, forest and hunting areas). The expected results of the project are creation of a bike tour ring around the Drava River from the Croatian and Hungarian side of the border and connection to the exisiting bike tour network, with an increase in the number of overnights (individual and group) by 15%. Achievements: Construction of the bike tour from Belisce to Bistrinci for 941.5 m in asphalt is completed; a 45-km circle ride of the tour was made; five meetings with partners from Donji Miholjac (the City of Donji Miholjac and Turisticka Zajednica Grada Donjeg Miholjca) were held; an training course for 10 tourist guides (five from Donji Miholjac and five from Belisce) at the Faculty of Economics Osijek was organised, and 10 persons were certified as tourist guides; and the project was presented to the town and commmunity mayors within the border area of Hungary (along the Croatian border) and in the Hungarian media, especially Pécs TV and Radio Pécs.
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  • 74.7%   149 382,77
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

6 Partners Participants