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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

he implementation of training of the project entitled "ACTION HOMELESS" was designed in order to establish the executives working in EIEAD and the General Welfare Secretariat Ministry of Labour (as the supervisory authority of the Program) to gain new knowledge and skills to enhance not only their own profile with expertise in the social economy sector but primarily to gain expertise to develop relevant activities in their communities Plan implementation and transfer know-how to other executives. The training took place in the educational institution "MOVEU» Spain attended by 40 executives working in the mentioned bodies (final beneficiaries of the "Housing and Reintegration Programme" - EIEAD - General Secretariat for Welfare) to the participants to cope with their work, to handle a sensitive group and gain knowledge to apply in future similar actions. Since the implementation of the mobility action will include: · To know the context of the implementation of the Social Cooperative Enterprises. · To gain access to relevant information sources · To know the networking methodology for co-operatives · To transfer good practices and application techniques to local communities and also act as multipliers in their working environment. In this context the purpose of the mobility plan specialize in: · Strengthening the business a very vulnerable group (homeless) · Application of good practice by municipalities and NGOs · Networking locally and creating clusters (clusters) social enterprises, . Support partnerships with agencies This action has and will have a multiplier effect and benefits · The beneficiaries of the homeless "Housing and Reintegration 'program, · Participants beneficiaries because they will enrich their profile with knowledge, skills that will help their professional development and end · On 'Housing and Reintegration' program implementing · The local community because it has specialized and competent people to apply in future similar actions.
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