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ΔΡΑΣΗ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟΥ-ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΟΜΕΝΩΝ"SEO (Search Engine Optimization)-AdWords and Internet Advertising"
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Internet-based information search and the online marketing prevail nowadays and even have almost mastered towards old tactics. One of the important features of the Internet is the ease of access to any information and the huge volume of data. In fact, the inclusion of the site in search engines is relatively simple. But to be included successfully in order to obtain higher ranking is harder. The new trends of use of web and the needs imposed themselves, were the cause to create a whole science around web optimization techniques and promotional content.Staff ActivityIt refers to the movement of 10 teachers of the 1st Vocational School of Athens, IT specialists and Economy. The activity will include a) a seminar of 6-days in theoretical and practical techniques optimization of pages and promotional of content b) professional visits to companies, Vocational Lyceum and the Ministry of Education c) cultural activities.Objectives:Be trained a group of teachers initially to new generation technologies optimized sites with easy access by the search engines and high traffic and then to assist in training the first and second group of studentsGet to know the importance of SEO and the importance of a page, the differences of a page without SEO and an active SEOTo improve their skills in develompent of a website without SEOTo acquire knowledge and skills in organization -i Google Webmaster Tool and Bing WebmasterTo Learn to measure performance with Google Analytics, visitor, loyalty of users to the pageTo Learn to measure the economic performance within AdWords Campaigns from Google AnalyticsGet to know the culture, traditions and customs of SpainTo foster the intercultural awarenessTo understand the Spanish education systemsTo Transfer good practices from abroadTo Improve the quality of teaching To Cause a change in educational practice, attitudes and beliefs of teachers and the progress of knowledge for students.To gain experience from their participation in the program (management, quality assurance and dissemination of results)To encourage and develop new mobility schemes and multilateral transnational partnershipsExpected results:At widening the knowledge horizon of teachers by providing training, upgrading, improving knowledge in optimization technologies and web promotion in acquiring the Europass certificate and certification of acquired knowledge. In terms of social knowledge and skills to improve the adaptability, flexibility, participation in educational and cultural activitiesThe mobility activities (2 weeks) will be held in Barcelona in November of 2016Activity Trainees.It refers to the movement of 15 pupils of the 1st EPAL Athens IT specialty in Barcelona of SpainIncludes a seminar 36 hours in SEO (Search Engine Optimazation), technical visits to Spanish companies,cultural activities.The goals:To acquire skills in SEO techniquesTo gain knowledge on Organization and Structuring Pages in site Map, in Building Linking, Serch RobotsTo develop language, social and cognitive skillsTorelate the theoretical knowledge by applying through the workshops and professional visitsTo facilitate the exit of the labor marketTo be encouraged to participate in other mobility programsTo enhance their intercultural awarenessTo obtain the europass certificate, the monitoring of the seminar and mobilityThe expected results are summarized as follows:Expanding the knowledge horizon of students, by training, improve their knowledge in improving organization and content, in the acquisition of Europass CertificateIn terms of social skills improve adaptability omadosynergatikotitas, autonomyIn terms of social skills to improve the critical and analytical thinking, research capacityAt the level of language skills in a climate of the English language and self-confidence in studentsin dynamic labor market integrationIn terms of attitudes to change attitudes and behaviors towards the EU and European integration In the long term development of the EU for competitiveness and social cohesionThe mobility activities (2 weeks) will be held in Barcelona of Spain in of April 2017.

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