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Doskonalenie metod pracy z uczniem o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych, jako jeden z kierunków rozwoju szkoły.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ten teachers, including the headmaster and deputy head, are going to participate in the project. The group of teachers will consist of subject teachers and the ones who support the teaching process in integrated classes. The number of disabled students still is increasing and also those who possess a certificate concerning special educational needs. This phenomenon makes teachers and other school workers improve and increase their competence in different areas such as methodology, pedagogy, special education, psychology and didactics. There are a few aims of the project. The first one is to increase professional competence in different branches connected with educating, i.e. pedagogy, special need education, methodology and didactics. We want to improve the quality of teaching concerning students with special needs. The next aim of the project is to improve teachers’ language competence and multicultural education. Another goal is to make teachers aware of diversity of cultures, traditions and customs of both countries-Poland and Romania. Teachers will be able to develop and enhance qualities like assertiveness, negotiating and team work abilities. What is more, this project gives teachers a great opportunity to use a foreign language, which is English, in everyday situations. Teachers will also acquire useful vocabulary connected with education, didactics, methodology and psychology which could be helpful not only in the current project but also in future when other projects will be carried out. The better teachers know English, the better their engagement into the project can be. All gained experience and abilities connected with special education will definitely contribute to improvement of work efficiency, raising the standards of education and expansion of the school offer. During the mobility in a form of study visit, Polish teachers will take part in conferences, workshops and seminars prepared and conducted by Romanian teachers. Moreover, the teachers from Poland will observe classes and discuss teaching methods and techniques. It is a typical job shadowing – which offers the Polish teachers a chance to see what is actually like working with students with special educational needs job. Not only do job shadowers get to observe the day-to-day activities of Romanian teachers, they also get a chance to have their questions answered.
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